Dark Magician

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Amanda's POV
Here stands a prince who was destined for greatness, but for me? I wasn't born with greatness, until I was born with the powers of the Dark Magician. I never meant to hide this fact, I remember when I first met the Dark Magician. I was young when I first met him, but it still felt like a dream. Mahad seen me in a state he recalled so long ago. 

  "Your in that state again." Mahad told me as I jumped slightly.

  "How can you tell?" I asked softly.

  "Your eyes tell me what's happened to you. You were gifted with this power, but not like how you told your family."

  "How'd you know?"

  "Amanda, something told me to protect you. I can't explain it, but the feeling stayed all the years I known that I wasn't the only one who could control the Illusion Magician."

  "But it's not the Illusion Magician that I can control, Mahad. It's the Dark Magician I can control."

  "Dark Magician?"

  "It's like your Illusion Magician, but different." I told Mahad and got ready for my day. After 20 minutes of me getting ready, I walked with Mahad, who wants to walk a little ahead of me. I was thinking about my past and how it affected me for the rest of my life.

*In Amanda's Past* *In Amanda's POV*
I walked with my parents holding my hands as we go to the Egyptian Gods.
  "Please let me be the hope and promise to my people and my future." I begged to the Egyptian Gods. There was a bright light and everyone stood back. I showed brightly that they had given me powers of a magician.
  "You carry the powers of the Dark Magician and protect those who cannot protect themselves." The Winged Dragon of Ra told me. I only looked at them and nodded. 

*Present Day*

I can only be of service to them, but for what cost? To harm my child, who might have these powers one day? I guess I will only have to wait and see. 

*Five years later*

I sighed while me and Atem were back with Yugi and his friends while our daughter has to stay in Egypt. It killed me thinking how others wanted to harm her over these five years. Mahad told me she'd be better safe in Egypt than with me and Atem. But I don't think Sandra even stayed, in fact I know she didn't. She is here with us, as I heard her yelling out our names, we looked and ran to her as well. But something in my eyes seen what was coming before it happened. I flew fast to her and protected her and held her close while putting a barrier around me and my baby. 

   "Mom? What's happening?" Sandra asked me multiple times. As the enemy left, I lowered the barrier and hugged her.

   "Your safe, Sandra." I told her.

   "I think now is a good time to tell everyone." Atem told me. I nodded and teleported us to where I grew up and went to bow before the Egyptian Gods.

  "Speak through me as I will provide as the one who will be here and may let my own soul rest after these troubling times." I spoke.

  "NO!!!!!" Atem and Sandra yelled out as a bright light shined down and The Winged Dragon of Ra showed before me.

  "We cannot use you to destroy you. You have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful husband to look out for. But we will bring you and your friends and family to the place that was once a beautiful village, before it was completely destroyed." Ra stated. I bowed before them and they lifted me up.

  "What's going to happen?" Sandra asked and Atem shrugged his shoulders as everyone was teleported back when I was younger before I met Atem.

   "Behold, my people, the village know as Sun Peace." I said as I looked down at myself when I was young. We were teleported to a few days before me and my family went to the Egyptian Gods. "Just a few days before I went to the gods, my people was under attack. By the kingdom, looking for a bad guy know as Bakura. He fled into our village and tried to take us and turn us into his army. Thankfully, no one went with him. However, he was the pushy one. He took a few of the villagers and took them. He tried to change them and turn them against us, but their will for good was took strong that even Bakura couldn't destroy. Until this fateful day came when the kingdom came with torches started to burn my village down. That is why my family and I went to see the gods and gave me the powers of the Dark Magician. That's why no one has ever came after me until now." I explained everything as the Egyptian Gods brought us back and stood behind me.

  "Wait, you mean you have been alive and never been hunted?" Joey asked me.

   "It's not a matter of being hunted Joey. It's a matter of doing what's right for those who you care about. And they saw that in me. I never knew the reason why or what they saw in me for them to give me these powers. But when I'm around Atem, I feel safe, protected. But know, I don't know if I want to drag you all down this path." I stated.

  "No matter what happens mom, I will always love you." Sandra said as she hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled.

   "It's time." Obelisk the Tormentor stated. I knew what he meant.

  "Time? Time for what?" Yugi asked. 

   "Time for Amanda to use her magic gifted from us."

   "Amanda, please..." Atem said.
   "I'm sorry honey, but I have to." I said. The king stood in front of me with pain in his eyes, and even hurt knowing that I was going to be taken from him. But I did something that was never thought of, I fused myself with the Dark Magician. I stood there with the path lying in wait, but I let myself be shown and landed near my family, still with his powers. The Magician went to one knee, he held his hand out and I reached out and touched his hand.

    "What is he doing?" Sandra asked.

     "Allowing me to keep his powers, but letting me be apart of him as he is apart of me." I said as I smiled. I knew that leaving apart of myself with the Magician is good, but it could also be evil too. Just thinking about it leaves me a little upset, but I know that I am a former slave and turned into a queen, and I am very happy where my life has come to. I am happy with the friends that I have made, the family that I have, everything I could think, is with me in my life. And I intend to keep myself with them for a long while. But sometimes I have to be by myself, and even that has some problems, I love it right now. My life has changed dramatically and going too fast, but sometimes I have to write down into small stories and tell them to Sandra, and she enjoys them. Even coming with us and helping us. Sandra is a handful, but she is my beautiful daughter and I love her. And then there is Atem, he was a prince who wanted to marry someone who he loved for themselves. When he saw me, he fell in love with me, even though I was a slave, his slave. When he asked me to marry him, I was shocked. I was just a servant, but something changed in him to marry me. Now I am his wife, we have a daughter, and friends that are our family. I am happy for myself and my friends and family. I have so much potential to grow and the Magician and the gods helping me, I smiled knowing that I can help my friends and family. Let's see how this will turn out.

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