Gone Berserk A Memory of the Past (A Past Chapter)

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Amanda's POV

I am awaiting my Prince's arrival with his dad. I only wish I knew why they asked me here. But why me out of all people? Why choose me when they can choose someone else?
  "Hello. Are you Amanda?" A voice asked. All I did was nod in response. "Do you not recognize me, Amanda?" The voice asked again.
    "You look familiar, but I'm sorry, I don't recognize you." I told the voice. The voice then stepped out and I went to my knees. "I'm so sorry my king. I didn't mean it." I said with tears in my eyes.
     "Don't worry, young one. My son, Atem, told me something that only you need to hear."
      "Amanda, I.... I want you to be by my side. I love you..." Atem said.  My heart was beating fast, I blushed hard. Then my mind went to a different place, I remembered everything that had happened to my family and I started to lose control of my ability. Luckily, Mahad came around the corner and seen me. He hugged me and I screamed. He let go of me and I went berserk. I flew in the sky and lost all ability of reasoning.
    "She is like Bakura. She needs to go now." Atem's dad stated. I didn't hear him clearly, and I heard Atem cry. I flew back donw infront of him and was confused. "Wait, don't get guards." Was the last thing I heard before Atem kissed me. I was surprised but as soon as he did that, I came back to my senses and I kissed him back. We seperated and I cried hard. The king picked me up and carried me to the Sacred Court. "This young girl, Amanda, has a gift that she needs help with. I am assigning her to the one of you whom can help her the most. Mahad, that position, is yours." The king stated. Mahad went to one knee and nodded. I looked at him and jumped down from the king's lap and walked over and hugged him. Mahad hugged back and picked me up. I felt at peace when I was near him, I couldn't explain. And to this day, in my own present, I cannot explain why it still happens, but that task given to him by Atem's dad, was still there no matter what had happened. I'm just glad I have Atem and the Sacred Court.

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