Chapter 21: It Work!

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(In The Other Planet inside the ship)
~Batman POV~

Cyborg and Griff took us to their planet as me and Superman told them the plan. They all look at us hearing us explain it to them.

Batman: "Okay Freelancer team, you will distract the flood in the North to here. Blue team you will distract the other floods in the South......"

Superman: "Red team you will distract the others in the West, The Justice League will take down the ones in the East, we met here then we will make the signal once we are all inside the ship"

They nod as they heard us speak telling them the plan. After we told them everything, we got to out position. Me and the other normal heroes were making sure the people weren't infected. I wish them good luck.

(In the North side)
~Caroline POV~

We have been walking around slowly making sure nothing would attacks us in surprise. We had our guns ready to shoot at anyone who come to us.

I felt a bit scared but I learn to take it slow and steady. I heard them heading out way. We started firing at them once we saw one come out and attack us, we slowly started heading for the ship. I hope the others are alright.

(In the South)
~Tucker POV~

We have been walking around for hours and still nothing. This sucks, we get the South place and no one is here except us blue team. We look around making sure nothing scare us.

I look at Washington, I know he should be with the freelancers but he did join our team since Church little um dreaming place. He was looking around with his gun.

I look at Caboose, he was looking around as he made that song that people do when they are sneaking around. I really just wanted to scream at Caboose but we were supposed to be quiet.

I heard noises that I stop walking, I put my arm in the side making Caboose stop walking. Washington stops as well, we look around. I saw the floods heading our way, we quickly fire and ran back to the ship hoping the others are alright.

(In the West)
~Sarge POV~

We red team have been walking around the place. I look at Donut, he was humming a song I don't actually f-cking care what song. Griff was looking around a bit bored and scared.

Simmons was checking his thing making sure, we wouldn't get ambush. Lopez was doing the same thing as he look around the place. We weren't ready to do this thing, but we had no choice. We kept on walking around till Simmons stop walking.

We stop as well, Simmons looks around the place. We waited for him to answer or say something cause he was still looking around.

Simmons: "I'm picking them up they are heading towards us"

Sarge: "Get ready boys"

Griff: "Oh god"

Simmons: "Ready"

Donut: "Ready when you are sir"

Lopez: "Vamos a matarlos! (Let's kill them!)"

We got ready once we saw a flood, we started shooting at it then more came, we fired at them and ran back as well. I hope this plan works and we survive.

(In the East)
~Cyborg POV~

We walk around making sure nothing attack us, The people that were with me was Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Green Lantern, me and others attack the floods.

We went back as we attack them, I know the plan was working. We kept on going back till we saw the ship and we waited for the other team to come. Once they came we went inside the ship at the same time. The floods were in front of us.

We kept on going back firing at them, the floods came closer as we attack them.

Sarge: "Now?"

Cyborg: "Not yet just few minutes"

Church: "Just few more feet back"

Superman: "Church hurry"

Church: "I'm trying alright don't rush me!"

Tucker: "We're rushing you!"

Church: "I told you not to!"

Tex: "Church hurry before we do it for you!"

Church: "Alright!"

We kept on firing at the floods, once I saw the last one go inside the ship. I turn to look at Church, he nods to me.

Cyborg: "Now!"

Church push the button and the door close behind the floods. Another door open behind us, we quickly went out of the ship and close the door after everyone was out.

The plane started flying up, we look up at the plane watching it go all the way to space. I turn on my communicator and call Batman.

Cyborg: "Batman your up"

Batman: "On it"

I look up and I saw Batman ship heading to the plane, Superman flew up to make sure nothing bad happens. I hope this plan works for sure.

(In space)
~Batman POV~

I was driving my batship to space. I saw the ship, I launch my missiles and they went to the ship. Superman and I watch as the missiles came closer to them. It explode right in front of us, I smile a bit. I turn on the communicator.

Batman: "Cyborg this is Batman..... we did it"

I heard the others scream cheering happy. I chuckle a bit, I look at Superman, he smiles at me and tilt his head to Earth, I nod and we went back to the planet again happy.

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