Chapter 14: Bull Fight

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(In Halo world, in the base)
~Flash POV~

I was running around this new world, it was weird but amazing at the same time. In 16 seconds I came back to the base. I stop in front of Cyborg, he was talking to Shazam. They were sitting down, I sat down with them.

Cyborg: "You done exploring?"

Flash: "Yeah just a little bit normal place like ours"

Shazam: "What do we do?"

Cyborg: "We wait for orders"

Shazam: "Lame!"

Flash: "Shazam is right we have to do something fun"

Cyborg: "Like what?"

Flash: "Like uh......"

Shazam: "We could....... See what the team is doing"

Flash: "Race ya!"

I ran fast, all the sudden I slip through something slippery and I started sliding down, I saw some barrels in front of me and I crash into it.

Shazam: "Awesome I'm next!"

Cyborg: "Shazam don't-"

Shazam started sliding laughing happy. Sarge, Donut and Caboose started sliding with him. I got up to my feet, I was about to slip but I try to balance myself once I finally got it, I got hit by Shazam and the others, I fell down and started sliding with them.

It was kinda fun, I heard Cyborg laughing as well, I look behind me, he was sliding down happy. I smile as we all slide together laughing.

I saw a dead end, my eyes widen and I point, we all scream scared and we crash into it. We crash into the wall breaking it, we all fall down. I laugh happy having fun.

Flash: "That was awesome!"

Sarge: "F-ck yeah it was!"

Shazam: "What's next?"

Griff: "We...... take down a bull!"

Sarge: "Oh f-ck yeah!"

Donut: "I'll go and get the team"

Sarge: "Hurry Donut!"

Flash: "I'll help him out!"

I ran to the team and told them to meet us outside, they agree and ran outside. I ran fast to them again.

Flash: "Okay we got everyone"

Griff: "To the Stadium!"

We all cheer and went to the stadium. Once we got there, we pick which one goes first. Some of them pointed to Tucker.

Tucker: "You know what! Fuck you guys and this place I'm going!"

Tucker went in the ring, Sarge got to the gate and he opens it. Simmons gave Tucker a red cape. Tucker got ready, the bull comes out angry. Tucker looks at him confuse.

Tucker: "What the fuck?"

The bull saw Tucker with the red cape, he runs towards him and hits him.

Tucker: "Fuck!!!"

Tucker was sent flying and he crash into the wall, we all made weird faces looking at him.

Griff: "Alright who's next?"

Tucker: "I vote... for Church"

Church: "Fuck you asshole!"

Church went down to the ring and got the red cape, the bull saw him and he ran to him. Church move to the left dodging the bull. The bull stops and he turns to Church. He charge again, Church didn't notice, but he bow to us and he gets hit.

He crash into the wall, I couldn't help it but laugh at him. It was very funny. Griff came again to see who went next.

Church: "I vote for..... Sarge"

Sarge: "Wish me luck"

Donut: "Good luck"

Griff: "Break a leg"

Sarge stood in the ring, the bull looks at him and he charges at him. Sarge went to the left dodging him. The bull turn and ran to him again. Sarge look quickly and he went to the right, the bull went to the right and hit him. Sarge hits the wall.

Simmons: "Sarge!"

Griff: "He's fine"

Sarge: "Ow! I broke my leg!"

We all look at Griff knowing he said break a leg, but I know he meant good luck not actually break a leg. I couldn't help it but laugh, Shazam laughs with me. This is so much fun.

Griff: "Who's next?"

All: "You are!"

Griff: "Thanks a lot"

Griff got up and he went in the ring, once he enter the ring, the bull hits him in the lower part, Griff falls down. I couldn't help it but laugh again, we all laugh at it. Griff tries to get up to his feet and the bull hits him again, he falls down. We kept on laughing.

The bull hits him again sending him into the wall and crash into it.

Simmons: "There he goes"

Donut: "Cool!"

Simmons: "Well I'm next"

Simmons went to the ring, the bull looks at Simmons, he wore a big black hat in his helmet, he grabs the red cape and shakes it. The bull gets angry and charge at him. Simmons moves to the right, the bull stops, he turns and runs to him again.

Simmons spins going to the left dodging the bull. The bull gets more angry and runs to him again. Simmons shake the cape again. Simmons spins around 360, the bull quickly turns and hits him. Simmons falls down to the ground.

Caboose: "I'm next"

Church: "Oh I wanna see this"

Caboose went to the ring, the bull looks at Caboose. The bull turns around looking at him. Caboose grabs the red cape and shakes it a bit. The bull charges at him. Once the bull got close, Caboose grabs the horn and gets up riding on the bull.

The bull started jumping around trying to get him out. Caboose kept on holding on. We all cheer for Caboose as he hold on to the bull. The bull kept on trying but he never got off him. The bull gave up and he stop, Caboose got off and pets the bull.

Caboose: "Thank Mr. Bull you are too kind"

Washington: "Alright who's next?"

All: "Nah we're all good"

Tucker: "What?!"

Church: "Are you kidding me?!"

Shazam: "Hey it was fun seeing you guys get hurt....."

Flash: "In many stupid and funny ways"

I laugh so did Shazam and Cyborg then everyone laughs together. We had fun for the day, it was night time. We sat down at the grass looking at the sky seeing lots of stars there. We talk as we look at the stars. We then fell asleep happy being in the soft grass and looking at the night less sky.

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