Chapter 25 -

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my body flopped onto the floor clutching my side....breathing became considerably hard i felt something creep up my throat, i coughed hoping to clear my throat but instead blood began to spew from my mouth..i heard a familer voice calling my was Olivia.

i faded in and out of conciousness, i felt my body being lifted onto a gurney i slipped into an unconsious state.........


when i heard the gun shots i ran into the shed where Spence and Hotch were i walked in to see Spencer's close to lifeless body, i colapsed next to his body screaming his name, more blood was seeping from his mouth "Spencer i-i don't know i-if y-ou c-can h-hear me but you h-have to stay a-awake please" i was hystiricly crying as the paramedics burst through the door of the shed.

"move please!" the paramedic yelled at me i didn't move a muscel...i couldn't i was frozen "MOVE!" he yelled with more urgency i still didn't move, Morgan came from behind my and lifted me up i tried to kicked my way out of his grip.......with no scucess "liv you have to stop, Spencer will be fine his always is" he cooed into my ear " but what if hes not" i mumbled mainly to myself.

***later at the hostiple***

i paced around the waiting round "Liv just sit down Spencer will be fine just come sit down" JJ siad for the thousandth time today i finally gave in and sat down next to JJ and Emily.

we waited for about 3 hours before the doctor that was performing on Spence walked into the waiting room "Spencer Reid?" the doctor annoced we all shot up from our seats "he's stable and awake, the bullet penetrated his lung which was the cause of him coughing up blood, we could not save the lung but he will be fine" i let out a sigh of relive as the doctor continued "which one is Olivia?" the doctor asked looking down at the clipboard the was in his hands "um..i am" i replied "he's requesting you he's in room 232" he explained before walking away.

i turned to the team who all had relived smiles on there faces before running to the elevator.

when the elevator doors opened i ran out down the hall 228.......229........230..........231........223 i stopped at the doorway seeing Spencer lying on the bed staring at the celing. as i took afew steps into the room Spencers head snapped up as soon as he saw it was me a smile tugged at his lips, i ran to his side and enveloped him in a hug. " i thought you were going to die, Spencer i can't live without you!" i whimpered into his shoulder, Spencer lifted my head up "hey im not going anywhere anytime soon okay?" i stared into his beautiful brown eyes, i smashed im lips onto his it was sweet and soft at first but quickly the kiss deepened full of lust and greed but still loving, we were kissing for about one minute before we heard someone clearing there throat

we broke apart and blushed as we saw the team standing in the doorway i stepped out of the way so the team could talk to spence.

***on the plane*** (i don't care if Spencer wouldn't be cleared to fly,he has so ha anyway back to the story)

i had my head rested on Spencer shoulder, my body was telling me to sleep but in the back of my mind i knew if i slept i would have another nightmare, the only time i felt safe was when i slept in Spencers arms.....i wanted to shut my eyes and dream about the future and not the past my eyes continuisly threanted to shut but i forced them open everytime i could not have another out burst infront of the team......again.

'Liv you look really tired, how about you try the get some sleep?" Spencer said snapping my out of my thoughts

"I can't....i mean I can it's I don't want to have another nightmare and freak out like I have to many times already" I explain Spencer looked at me with sympathy "how long has it been since you have had one?" Spencer asked

"Um......three days I think.....i know I didn't have one when we were in Nevada.....with you"i blushed I noticed spence blushed as well.

I decided not to sleep.

When the plane landed Spencer offered to take me home because of how tired I looked, I gladly agreed as we were driving I stared out the window, the thought of sleep washed over me I tried to fight the feeling but I failed and was sucked into a subconscious state.

I felt arms lift me up and carry me....moments later I was gently placed onto my bed I cracked my eyes open I saw Spencer turning to leave.
"Spencer, stay with me......please" I croaked he nodded and slipped next to me I curled up into him careful not to touch the wound, Spencer kissed my forehead before saying "goodnight Olivia" I smiled into his chest "goodnight Spencer" I replied

(Hey guys thanks for Reiding aaaawwww wasn't that so kyut by the way it's come to my attention that I know have 653 reids aaaaahhhhh that's amazing thank you so much I love you guys so much :) any way stay awesome Gubler nation)

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