Chapter 6 - The Rescue pt 2

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The team split into 2 different cars Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss in one car Myself, JJ and Rossi in the other. the drive was painfully long I just hoped Olivia was okay 'if he has touch I don't know what I might do' I thought to myself.

We pulled into a long gravel covered drive way, at the end of the drive way there was a clearly old house with vines growing up the off-white coloured walls Hotch gave us the signal to move in.

I walked behind Morgan with my gun up in-front of me. As Morgan kicked the door down we all piled in Hotch then yelled "FBI Mr Sanders show yourself" we all waited for an answer "GUYS WE ARE IN THE BASEMENT" a girls voice yelled I hoped it was Olivia.

Suddenly a gun shot rattled through the house I looked at the team to see if the shot came from any of them, once the realization hit that it was no one from the team the basement door swung open to reveal a man with dark brown hair with grey hairs showing his face showed anger and defeat.

Before I could think Morgan had tackled the man to the ground I ran down to the basement to see a unconscious Olivia lying in a puddle of blood that was coming from a bullet wound in her stomach I rushed over to her.

"hey Olivia it's Spencer your gonna be okay just stay with me" I said while applying pressure on her bullet wound.

"Spencer you have to go Jake will kill you" she said clearly not knowing what she was saying

"no its okay Olivia, Jakes gone your safe just keep talking okay" I said as I saw her eyes slowly closing.

"but Spencer I just wanna sleep can I sleep?" she asked.

"no Olivia you have to stay awake until the medics get here okay can you do that for me" I said as the medics walked in and took over.

"Spencer where are you going please don't leave me....please" she said slowly becoming unconscious.

"hey can I ride in the ambulance" I asked one of the medics "sure but we have to go now" the medic replied running out the doors as I followed.

Once we got to the hospital Olivia was rushed to surgery after about 10 minutes of pacing around the waiting alone the rest of the team rushed through the door

"is she okay?? JJ asked obviously worried.

"s-shes in surgery" I replied shakily.

****4 HOURS LATER****

A Doctor walked through big glass doors "Olivia Sanders?" he asked as I shot out of my seat.

"yes that's us please tell me shes okay?" I pleaded not realizing what I had said I felt me face heat up.

"yes she made it through the surgery her heart stopped twice because of the excessive blood loss we eventually removed the bullet and shes is stable" he said with a faint smile.

"can we see her?" JJ asked eagerly

" you may see her but she is not woken up and please when she wakes up go easy on here she will be abit out of it for awhile" the doctor said before he turned around and walked away.

As soon as the doctor had gone I walked to Olivia's room before the team could stop me, I walked in and Olivia was just lying there on the hospital bed.

All I could focus on was the cuts and bruises on her face it made me so angry while I was studying her face I saw her eyes start to flicker open I rushed to her side as she tried to get up.

"hey Olivia you need to stay lying down you don't want hurt yourself more" I said while gently pushing her back down.

"but Spencer I need to go after Jake he won't stop until we get him" she said as tears gathered in her eyes.

"we got him Olivia he has been stopped your safe now"I said.

Olivia suddenly burst into tears and pulled me into a hug and continued to cry into my shirt but I didn't mind I was just happy she was okay.

Once Olivia had stopped crying she looked up to me and began to speak "I'm sorry for cryi-" she started "no don't be its fine" I said as I started to blush I chuckled when I saw her blush as well.

Moments after Morgan walked in a gave me a wink, I glared at him. once I realised I was still sitting on Olivia's bed I quickly jumped up causing me to blush and Morgan to laugh then JJ walked in.

"hey Olivia glad to see your awake you had everyone worried" JJ said

Olivia smiled in reply as the rest of the team walked in.


As the rest of the team walked in I started to sit up.

"Agent Sanders I'm glad to see your awake' Hotch said

"thanks sir, I know I probably shouldn't ask this but when am I aloud back at work?" I said with pleading eyes. This caused a the team to laugh and me to blush.

"you will need to take at least a 3 weeks off" Hotch replied.

I sighed and rested my head back on the pillow, everyone started to leave but just a Spencer was about to leave I spoke up " wait Spencer...." I trailed off he turned around "yea?" he replied.

"its okay if you don't want to but can you stay with me?" I asked.

"um... yeah sure" he said as he pulled a chair up to my bed side

"sorry I just don't want to be alone right now and I trust you" I said trying not to sound too needy.

we talked for about another hour and a half before I fell asleep.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding any ideas for further in the story? anyways remember stay awesome Gubler nation)

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