Chapter 22 - Nevada

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****4 WEEKS LATER****

in the past weeks we have solved a few cases, but most of the work has been paperwork i have grown alot closer to more of the team members, the team also now knows about Spencer and I...Hotch talked to us about not letting the relationship effect the job,but to be honest i wasn't really listening i was just happy we didn't have to hide the relationship anymore

"hey guys we have a case!" JJ yelled pulling me out of my thoughts

i pushed myself out of my chair and walked to the 'meeting room' where Spencer,Rossi, JJ and Emily were already waiting, i took my seat as Spencer shot me a loving smile which i returned. soon later Hotch and Morgan walked in.

" okay so four dismembered bodies have turned up in Nevada,Las Vegas" i noticed Spencer tense up as JJ explained the case, without thinking i grabbed Spenser's hand under the table and gave him a reassuring smile "why weren't we called in sooner?" Rossi asked making the teams attention turn to him until JJ continued "the local police department didn't think the case were connected " JJ stated rolling her eyes " okay wheels up in 20 " Hotch said while walking out of the meeting room with team following close behind.

***on the plane***

i sat next to Spencer (what a surprise) he was staring out the window obviously deep in thought...i was debating whether i ask him what he was thinking about or would that just come across as annoying girlfriend?....i decide not to ask,if he wanted me to know he would tell me

i had a feeling of eyes on my i turned to look at Spencer and sure enough he was looking at me,i opened my mouth to speak but Spencer spoke first.

" you don't have to but i-i was j-just wondering since we were in N-Nevada maybe you would like t-to meet my m-mother?"he stuttered obviously nervous and anticipating my answer.

" i would love to Spence"i replied while kissing his cheek i scarlet blush flushed over his face causing my to chuckle to myself.

once the plane had landed it was to late to get any were with the case so we just headed straight to our hotel as we were walking through the lobby i couldn't but notice Spencer blushing while looking down at his phone " whats up?" i chuckled " um....we are sharing a room again" Spencer explained making me blush -again-

when we entered to room i immediately flopped on the bed, Spencer chuckled at me, my eyelids fell heavy i was just about to drift into my subconscious when i felt arms pick me up i opened my eyes from a brief second,noticing it was Spencer i fell back asleep.

i woke up,cold and lonely i glanced over at my phone from the time 3:47 ugh, i looked around the room my eyes focused on a sleeping figure on the couch, i replayed the events of yesterday...when i realized it was Spencer i chuckled at my own stupidity. wait why was he sleeping on the couch there a perfectly good double bed.

i got out of bed and walked to Spencer i shook him gently " hey Spence wake up you can't sleep on the couch you'll wreck your back" he just nodded in response i grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed, once he was comfortable i snuggled under his arm and rested my head on his chest,soon after i drifted off back asleep.

(hey guys thanks for Reiding sooooooo sorry for the wait of this chapter its been 4 days!!!!! any ways stay awesome Gubler nation)

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