Chapter 7 - Blooming Love & a new case

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I ran into the spare bedroom hoping he wouldn't find me, maybe it would delay the time, maybe just maybe I could get away.

I ducked into the closet pushing myself back into the darkest depths of the closet.

"come out Olivia there's no need to hide" Jake said I could almost see the evil grin on his face "your not in your room so you must be in the spare room right Olivia, you have one more chance to come out before I find you?" I still stayed quiet until the closet doors swung open I  screamed I always screamed...but no one heard one ever heard me.

**** End Of Dream***

I woke up with tears rolling down my face I had been 3 weeks since I was kidnapped and tortured I could finally go back to work I was sick of sitting at home feeling sorry for myself, I needed to help people.

I stumbled out of bed and got changed into a blue 3/4 sleeve top and black dress pants before driving to work, not really sure to expect.

While driving to work I was lost in my thoughts. It was like my body was on auto-pilot.

I walked trough the elevator doors that connected to the BAU deja vu hit me it was exactly like my first day but there was something different from my first day, no Morgan now that I think about where is the team.

I shrugged it off maybe they just haven't arrived yet.

I walked into the bullpen and headed straight for my desk I looked up to the "Meeting Room" window and saw the team sitting around the table "crap I probably just missed another case" I thought to myself as the team spewed out of the "Meeting room" I sat at my desk looking at the mountain of paperwork just sitting there waiting to be completed. I was just about to engross myself into the paperwork when the team came down to bullpen.

"hey Olivia what are you doing here?" Emily asked before pulling me into a hug.

"well my compulsory 3 weeks leave are over and I'm sick of sitting at home feeling sorry for myself plus it's got a to a point where I don't know the difference from reality TV and real life"I replied.

"Agent Sanders in my office now" Hotch announced, I felt the nerves build up inside of me.

I smiled at the rest of the team not making eye contact before heading up for Hotchs office, I knocked on the door before walking in.

'you wanted to see me sir" I said waiting to get yelled at.

"take a seat" he said before continuing "are you sure your ready to come back"

"Hotch I'm fine I cant just sit at home doing nothing when I know there's people out there that need help" I replied.

"Agent I know how you feel but in order to help people we need you to be at the top of your game" Hotch said with the same stern look that never changed.

"sir I'm fine, okay and if I'm not at my absolute self I invite you to call me up on it but I really need to be here other wise all the memories of what happen just play through my mind like a broken record" I said half pleading him to let me work Hotch sighed before replying.

"okay we have a case in Texas we will brief you on the jet wheels up in 20" he said as we got up and left.

I walked out of his office trying to hide the smile that had creep onto my face.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! do you guys think Olivia's okay? anyways stay awesome Gubler nation)

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