Chapter 3 - Flashback

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As soon as Reid said we were in the same room I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was blushing, I was still hoping there was two beds. We walk into the room the first thing we both notice is the one bed in the room. I felt my face burning up and noticed Spencer and started to blush as well.

I glared at him as he began to talk "Ill take the couch" I sighed in relief "well good night Spencer" I  said quite awkwardly.


I was woken up by two loud bangs, next thing I knew my mum was rushing into my room pushing me into the closet and messily covering me in clothes and teddies off of my bed.

She was telling me to be as still and as quiet as possible "Dad and I love you so much Olivia" she whispered before she ran out of the room closing the door as quietly as she could. My heart pounding and I didn't know what was  happening, my head was spinning from the heat of the clothes around me and I was struggling to control the sound of my heavy breathing.

All I could  hear was the sound of my heart beating.... a few moments past and I jumped at the sound of a loud scream from the kitchen and I knew something had gone wrong.

I waned to go and inspect what was happening but I couldn't move it was like my body shut down.... I couldn't do anything.

I heard a loud ricocheting noise like a bullet hitting fridge, then another gunshot and the screaming suddenly stopped. Though I couldn't confirm what had happened I felt tears fall down my cheeks.

My mother was shot in the heart, my father was stabbed in the back with an axe and I was to late.


I was awakened by my phone alarm, I felt my heart rapidly beating from the horrid nightmare of my past. I glanced over to the couch, where Spencer was still asleep, he looked so cute when he slept.....Olivia you just met this guy and you already think hes cute I thought to myself while heading to the bathroom to have a shower.

Once I was out and dressed  I noticed Spencer was gone "Spencer are you still here?" I yelled, it echoed through the hotel room "um, yeah, in the kitchen" he replied, I walk into the kitchen to see a fully clothed Spencer I blushed at the sight of him "Hotch called me saying to meet up at the station"he explained "okay lets go solve this case" Spencer chuckled at my statement suddenly his phone rang "hey Garcia what you got?"


"hey Garcia what you got?"I asked "well boy genius I cross check the cause of death with any other cases and I got a result, I feel all gross and intrusive. A couple murdered in there home 17 years ago the unsub was never caught, Renee and Jason Sanders leaving behind a daughter... Olivia Sanders" Garcia explained, I felt my heart drop, that must have been why she seemed so off at the dump site yesterday "thanks Garcia, can you tell Hotch?" I requested.

"sure thing sweet-cheeks PG out...oh and Reid give her a hug for me" with that said she hung up "what was that about?" Olivia asked with a confused expression "Garcia crosschecked the crime scenes to any other murders and she got one hit, a couple that was murdered 17 years ago, how about you sit down before I tell you this" I said with a half-hearted smile how do I say this?, she took a seat reluctantly.

"The couples names were Renee and Jason sanders" I said waiting for a reaction. Olivia's eyes started to tear up "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I-I just didn't know how to explain it, it just didn't seem real, how could the first case I'm a part of be related to me"Olivia stuttered as tears rolled down her eyes.

I didn't know what to do so I got up and embraced Olivia in a hug, my arms wrapped around her shoulders, i could tell she was trying to restrain herself from crying into my shirt, but a few sobs escaped her. After standing like this for few minutes Olivia pulled back, swiping her hands over her face mumbling an apology, I  smiled down at her as she blushed I chuckled "you don't have to apologize, we all have parts of our past we want to hide, just some of them are more harsh the others" I replied "Thank you Reid" Olivia smiled, sniffing slightly, not long after we were heading to the station.
As soon as we go to the station Hotch pulled Olivia away to "talk".


When Hotch called me into his office I knew exactly what he wanted to talk about; my parents murders.

Before he opened his mouth to talk I quickly spoke up "Hotch, I know I should have told you about my parents but I didn't know how to and I wasn't sure if it was related I'm sorry sir and I honestly didn't want to get kicked from the case" he looked at me with a stern look that never changed.

"Olivia you should have told us, we would have helped you out sooner and got a clearer view of the case and because that you are now suspended and off the case" Hotch said with an emotionless face "but sir please if this is the guy who killed my parents I want to be there to put the bastard away" I exclaimed pleadingly.

"I'm sorry Agent sanders your to connected to this case you can't be involved" Hotch began to talk again but I got up and stormed out of his "office" tears collecting in my eyes I saw Spencer look up at me with a worried look but I rushed out of the station before he could confront me.

Once I got to my hotel room the door was already open I quickly unholstered my gun and began to walk in, before I could fight back a rag was held up to my face and I felt my head grow heavy and my body go limp, next second I was out cold.

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