Chapter 15 - Morgue

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i drove home all my thoughts were about Olivia, how funny she is, how beautiful she perfect she is. the kiss...there was sparks i hope i wasn't just me i felt Sparks when our lips touch, they moved in perfect sync like it had been done one million times before.

i fell asleep dreaming about Olivia.

***next day***

i walked into the BAU with a huge grin painted on my face knowing i would get to see Olivia again. i walked into the bullpen and headed straight to my desk. i was just about to sit down when Hotch called from above "we have a case in the meeting room in 5 minutes" i headed straight to the meeting room hoping i would see Olivia in there. I walked into the meeting room with JJ and Emily looking at me with grins i ignored and took a seat next to Morgan and Olivia. i smiled at Olivia she immediately blushed.

"okay so there has been a series of murders in new Mexico 3 men dead by a bullet to the back of the head....execution style" JJ explained

i noticed Olivia shudder in her seat as the pictures of the men flashed onto the screen,

"do we have any names?" Morgan asked

"not yet Garcias working on it, wheels up in 30"Hotch said while walking out the team followed

***on the plane***

i noticed Olivia sitting at the back by herself i thought about going over there for awhile before just giving in to my heart and walked over. i noticed all the team members to engrossed in there own thing to listen in.

"hey, i couldn't help but noticed you shudder in your seat in the meeting room you okay?" i said sitting next to Olivia

"oh yeah just not quite used to seeing so many dead bodies yet" Olivia replied with a small smile

"i really enjoyed myself last night" i said trying to change the subject i could tell she was uncomfortable

"me too, its the most fun i have had in awhile"

once she had said this i looked around to the team most of them were asleep and we were at the back of the plane alone.

"what are you looking for?" Olivia asked looking concerned

"this" i said as i pressed my lips against Olivia's, she was in shock at first but then began to kiss back i pulled away.

"what was that for?" she asked

"just testing a theory"i said and walked away, back to my original seat


i sat in shock hoping no one from the team saw Spencer kiss me, it was as magical as it was last night, i felt a hand on my shoulder i looked up to see an extremely happy JJ and Emily.

"so how was the date??" Emily exclaimed while they both sat down

"not going to lie it was amazing!"i said i felt my cheeks heat up

"aw shes blushing" JJ squealed

"hey keep it down i don't need Hotch or Morgan knowing!" i explained

"i get why not Hotch but why not Morgan?" Emliy asked

"i thinks its best Morgan doesn't know for Spencer sanity" i explained with a laugh

the girls laughed along with me until Hotch came over

"we are landing in 20 minutes when we land Sanders your with Reid you two will be heading to the morgue, JJ you will be talking to the press, Emily and Morgan go to the most recent dump-site and Rossi and I are going to talk to the families. Once you are down just go to your Hotel rooms and get some rest" he finished and walked away.

as soon as Hotch was far another away so he could hear us the girls shot me a silly grin

"don't even start!" i said trying not to laughed but failing miserably the girls began to laugh i looked around to see Morgan, Hotch, Rossi and Spencer looking at me very confused i turned back around to the girls and laughed harder.

Once the plane had landed all the team went to where they were supposed to of course followed Spencer to one of the black SUV's

as i was sitting next to Spencer while we were driving to the morgue all i could think about was the kiss and how perfect its was but something was really getting to me....what did Spencer mean by 'just testing a theory'? Spencer must have noticed something was bugging me

"what are you thinking about?" he asked there was a hint concern in his voice

"what did you mean by 'just testing a theory'?" i asked simply

before he could answer he pulled into a car park to a big white building, i sighed before getting out of the car

we walked into the white building to see a smiling, brown hair, hazel eyed women she looked in her late 40's

"hello I'm Dr Spencer Reid and this is SSA Olivia Sanders" Spencer said as we showed the women our credentials

"we are with the FBI Behavioural Analysis Unit" Spencer continued

"oh you must be here to see the 3 john does with bullet to the back of the head correct?" she said with her smile never fading

"yes that's us"i said smiling back

she lead us to a blinding white room she then pulled out three draws where three men lay...they looked so peaceful

"thank you" Spencer said to the women

"no problem just cover them back up and lock the doors when you done"she said with the same smile as she walked out

"are they all that happy?"i asked walking over to the first body

"no but some are i guess when you work around dead bodies all day you have to smile" Spencer stated

i nodded in agreement as Spencer got a phone call we walked away as i looked over the bodies

moments later Spencer came back

"that was Morgan he said that the dump site is the primary crime scene" he explained

"well there's nothing on the body that says they were tortured so maybe unconscious when they were shot?" i explained

after we had examined the bodies Spencer drove to the hotel we were staying at. we walked up together

"well ill see you in the morning" he said as i stopped at my door

"oh yeah see ya have a nice night" i replied with a wide smile

once i got in my room i realized that Spencer never explained what he meant by 'just testing a theory' i was going to go ask him about it but i thought i better leave it until the morning.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding just wanna say thanks for 314 reids that's epic thanks so much for the support <3 leave a comment on what you think he meant by 'testing the theory' and remember stay awesome Gubler nation)

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