Chapter 11 - First Kiss

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Once Morgan and Emily had arrived back from the 4th dump site they explained that there was another cancer star sign card on the body....I didn't know what it meant.

Olivia and Ihad finished the geographical profile nothing really stood out.

"hey guys hotch wants us to all go to a team. JJ said with a wide smile

"okay can we go to the hotel to freshen up first?" Olivia asked

"yeah sure! how about we all meet in the hotel lobby at 7:30?" JJ replied

"okay see you then" Olivia said as JJ began to leave.

Olivia and I then left the police department and head to the hotel......we were in different rooms this time.


Once I was in my room I was secretly excited for the team see the team relax and maybe the talk would not have to be about dead bodies.

I took a shower and got dressed into a white to black ombre dress that stopped just above the knee and some black heels.

I applied light make up, just as I was heading out the door I grabbed my black clutch and walked to Spencer's door.

I knocked on the door there was some rustling inside before Spencer opened the door wearing a white business shirt with a red cardigan over it and black skinny jeans.....he looked handsome.

"hey just thought we could walk down together?" I said with a smile.

"y-yeah sure!"he stuttered while tilted his head down trying to hide him blushing ....but it didn't work

"well come on then" I said slightly laughing.

We began to walk down the stair together when Spencer spoke.

"you look beautiful by the way" Spencer said.

I felt my face began to heat up "thank you Spencer that means alot" I said with a giggle.

Once the all the team members met at the lobby we all headed to a Chinese restaurant, I was sitting between JJ and Morgan and Spencer across from me.

"Olivia you look gorgeous"JJ said with a wide smile

"aww thanks JJ" I replied with big smile.

Once we had ordered everyone broke into different conversations accept for myself I just listened until Morgan turned to me.

"hey Olivia you okay, you seem really quite" he stated

"oh yea just thinking" I replied

"what about?" he asked with a confused look.

"everything, anything and nothing" I said slowing looking up at him.

"hey you know you can talk to me right?" Morgan said smiling kindly

"that's what Spencer said too" I said with a little laughed

"he really cares about you" Morgan began "really?" I asked looking over to Spencer who was talking to Emily.

"man for a profiler your really bad at readying people sometimes" Morgan said trying not to laugh but failing.

I playfully punched him in the arm "ouch"he complained.

The food came shortly after, I watched as Spencer struggled with the chopsticks, I took the hair tie out of my hair that was holding my hair up and walked over to where he was sitting the whole looked at me like I was crazy.

"here pass my your chopsticks"I said as Spencer handed me his chopsticks I wrapped the hair tie around the end of the chopsticks and handed them back.

"that might make it a little easier" I explained with a smile.

Spencer smiled before blushing the team began to laugh I glared at them which made them laugh harder I sat back down at my seat when the laughing died down everyone broke into there conversations again and as normal I stayed quiet.

Once the dinner was done I walked up to my room alone when I was inside I got straight into my pj's and jumped into bed, my eyelids began to feel heavy moments later I was asleep.


I woke up tied to my bed I took me a minute to realize what was happening until I looked down I was lying there in just my underwear I was about to scream when a man walked in.....uncle Jake.

"your finally awake" I said as he sat next to me on the bed.

tears fell from my eyes as he began to kiss my neck.

"please stop I don't like it please stop" I pleaded but he didn't stop.

I screamed Jake looked up at me with anger in his eyes.

"what have I told you about screaming" I snapped while grabbing a long bit of fabric.

"I won't scream I'm sorry I forgot ple-"I started but he tied the fabric around my head so I could't make a noise I began to cry harder as he continued I closed my eyes but nothing helped.


I woke up tear streaming down my face, I tried to calm myself down saying stuff like 'it was only a dream' and 'he can't hurt you anymore' but it didn't help.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep, I then remembered what Spencer had said I got out of bed, grabbed my phone and walked to Spencers room tears still running down my face.

I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer the door.

"hey" he began his facial expressions changing from tired and confused to worried and confused "you  okay what happ-" I cut him off "I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to wake you I-I just remembered you saying that if the memories come back I should tell you" I said between sobs "oh yeah come in" Spencer said while moving to let me in.

"I'm sorry for waken you I just didn't know what to do and I didn't want to be alone" I said.

"no don't worry I'm kinda glad you came"I said with a smile.

"why?" I asked.

" first I couldn't really sleep and I'm glad you kept the promise" Spencer replied with a little smile.

"whats the time?' I asked.

"um...4:00" he replied.

"why couldn't you sleep?" I asked.

"oh I was just thinking about the case and the cards any way what some coffee?" he explained.

"yeah okay" I said as he walked into the 'kitchen' part of the hotel room.

Moments later Spencer came back with two cups of coffee, he handed me on and motioned to sit on the couch I took a sip of the coffee and placed it onto the coffee table.

"Spencer I don't really know how to say this but.......I really like you and I don't think you understand how thankful I am to have you as friend like when I was growing up I didn't really have friends because of what happened with my parents and Jake I thought it was my fault my parents died and for once in my life I have someone that understands me and cares about me and I don't know I just I really like you and if you don't feel the same way I really don't want this to affect our friendship but I just had to tell you." I said knowing I was rambling it was silent for a while.

"Spencer say someth-" I started before I was cut off with Spencer's lips pressed onto mine his hands cupped my face it might sound cliché but it felt like fireworks were going off when our lips touched.

when we parted I stared into his big brown eyes. I rested my head on his chest still in shock of what had just happened he wrapped his arms around me.

I  fell asleep with my head on Spenser's chest and his arms around me.....for once life felt right like I was meant to be right here....with Spencer.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding aaaaahhhh they kissed any ways that's all I  have to say stay awesome Gubler nation)

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