Chapter 2 - The second dump site

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I climbed into the passenger side of the black SUV that was assigned to the FBI, as Reid sat in the drivers side the first 5 minutes were silent a little bit awkward until Reid started to talk "so what made you want to join the BAU?"

I thought about my answer before I said it because I didn't want to scare Reid away but yet again he does work and the BAU "well do you want the long version or the short version?" I asked kinda smiling at Reid "um short version" he said sounding very spectacle of his answer.

"well, um, when I was 11 my parents were murdered in the middle of the night. I was hiding in the closet the whole time. I couldn't bring my self to do anything. I just stayed in the closet" I started to feel tears sting my eyes but I kept talking. "I was taken to live with my uncle and aunt where I was um, molested until I was 18 and I moved out and my uncle was taken to prison and the man who murdered my parents was never found" when I finished I felt a tear escape from my eye, I rushed to wipe it away as quickly as I could, before Reid noticed. Most of the time I refused to talk about anything to do with my past but in a weird way I felt as though I could trust Reid.

I looked over to him his face looked so worried and concerned "I'm so sorry you had to go through that he started but I cut him off "don't be because yeah it was horrible and I hate the memory but it basically made me the person I am today in some weird way"

"I really appreciate you telling me that Agent Sanders" he said with his cute smile "call me Olivia Agent Sanders is way to formal for me" I said with a slight giggle.

As we pulled up to the crime scene I took a deep breath in before getting out of the car as an attempt to prepare myself for the horrific image. We walked up to the body of Bridget O'Connor, she looked so terrified "shes covered with leaves, a sign of remorse?" I stated but it sounded more like a question.

"yeah or maybe he wanted to hide her to come back to see her later on, that's not uncommon in this type of unsub" Reid said, while I knelt down, examining the body "hey what was the cause  of death?" I asked Reid while he was looking at the surroundings.

"Asphyxiation why?" Reid asked while bending down to see what I was looking at "because there's a bullet wound straight to the heart" stated looking at Reid "is he trying to prove a point or show us something? I'll call Garcia and see if there's any other cases like this one" Reid said whilst walking away and talking on the phone to Garcia.


I walked away from Olivia while dialing Garcia "Hey boy wonder what can I do for you his fine evening" she said with her naturally perky voice "hey Garcia, can you see if there is any recent cases that the cause of death is asphyxiation but there is also a bullet to the heart?" I asked knowing she could.

"gosh its like you don't even know who I am, of course I can call you when I get anything" and with that she hung up.

I walked back over to Olivia who was still staring at the bullet wound "hey you okay?"I asked slightly concerned "um.....what yeah I'm fine, should we head to the station?"she asked sounding a little shaken up.

I let it slide but I knew something was wrong "yeah lets go"I said while helping olivia up, we then headed to the station. Once we were at the station we explained our findings to Hotch and the rest of the team before we were excused to go to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel I looked at the text Hotch had sent me saying what room we were in and as I was looking olivia asked what room she was in I started to blush, "um it turns out we are sharing a room" I said as I felt my face heat up. Damn Budget cuts.

"Room 267" I said to the lady at the reception desk she gaves our room key and we went to our room I just hoped there were two beds.

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