Chapter 10 - The Connection

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I wasn't really paying attention at the dump site, I was just so happy that Spencer wasn't mad and I was so thankful that it didn't scare him off.

"you okay?" Spencer asked as we were driving to the police station to meet up with the team.

"huh....what yeah just thinking"I replied.

After a couple of minutes of silence I began to talk "hey Spencer why did you join the BAU, because I  mean you know basically my life story, just to make it fair"I said with a smile.

"well I am from Las Vegas, I have an Eidetic memory an IQ of 187 and I can read 20,000 words per minute, my dad left my mother and I when I was young, my mum is a paranoid schizophrenic, when I was 18 I put her into a mental hospital, I don't regret the decision but I still feel like I shouldn't have done it I graduated high school at the age of 12 and I have 3 PhDs" he replied.

I didn't know what to say.

"sorry I said to much didn't I "he said sounding worried.

"oh no its fine I'm just really glad you told me and I don't know how say this but...I have an Eidetic memory as-well."I replied with a kind smile.

"really? you have an Eidetic memory....I mean I have never really meet any one else that has one" he said in shock.

"to be honest with you neither have I"I said with a giggle.

the rest of the car journey was nice just little conversations here and there but other than that it was silent but it was a comfortable silence.

we walked though the police department the team accept Hotch were standing around looking at a board with pictures of the dump sites.

"oh you guys are here okay  Hotch wanted you two to start on a geographical profile"Morgan told us as we walk to them

"okay we will tell you guys if we find anything" Spencer replied as we walked of into a different room. away from everyone.

about an hour later we still had nothing suddenly Morgan came rushing into the room.

"they just found another body prentiss and I are going to the dump site now we will call if we find anything, oh and there was something found on all the body's in the autopsy's, it was a card, here"he said handing a little card in an evidence bag to Spencer before walking out to head to the dump site of the fourth victim.

"what is it?" I asked looking down at the card

"it looks like a star sign, cancer to be precise" he explained.

"as in the 12 signs of the zodiac?" I asked knowing I was right.

"exactly"he replied.

(A/N hey guys thanks for Reiding what do you guys think the card means please comment what you think and like always stay awesome Gubler nation)

Eidetic Love (EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora