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They were moving out again this morning, sleep was becoming less and less and Theo was beginning to feel the effects to the lack of sleep, she was exhausted.

"Morning sunshine" Glenn said from behind her, teasing her for her state just as she had the morning of his first hangover.

Theo was more tired than usual.

 Her head was pounding and everything was a little blurry.

"Anything for some coffee" She groaned as she held her head in pain.

"You okay." Dale asked her, concerned at the girls state, noticing the girls off attitude. She was usually the first awake, the first to help everyone out

Maybe it was catching up to her- Dale thought to himself

"Yeah, just a little off this morning" Theo smiled trying to push across all the pain in her head.

"How's that cut on your arm." Rick asked walking over.

"I don't know," She said as she pulled down the cloth that covered it. It seemed to be clearing up nicely.

"Incoming!" Carol yelled from in the distance, everyone standing and running to her calls.

They all looked forward to seeing about 8 walkers. Theo grabbed her bat, excited to use it. All the adrenaline making her forget about her pain she had after waking up in the morning.

Rick and Glenn went in first, using their knives to kill the first two. 

Andrea went in next killing one herself with a swift stab of her knife. 

Theo walked next to Andrea, she grabbed her bat tightly before swinging at the walker, so swinging hard it made the whole head depart off the walkers body.

Theo laughed in shock as she finished off the rest of the walkers herself.

But as she went for the next and final one, things began to spin again.

Before she could prepare herself to swing again the walker tackled her to the floor.

It groaned in her face as it tried to bite her, it was all it wanted and all it craved and it wasn't going to stop.

She wrestled with the walker to get hold of her gun.

"Theo!" Carl yelled at his sister, panicked to watch her struggle. He wanted to do something but he didn't know what he could do, he had no weapon.

She struggled for a few more moments before a bolt went through the walkers skull.

The walker's weight collapsed onto her before her dad pulled it off.

She looked to see it was Daryl who killed the walker, he helped her back onto her feet.

"You okay?" He asked Theo, checking over her for bites..

"What's going on with you?" Rick asked his daughter, concerned that she was having a problem.

Everyone joined them, people began to gather around Theo making her feel claustrophobic and dizzy.

Her breathing hitched, she reached out to Daryl.

Gripping his arm tightly as he turned to her. 

"Theo?" Daryl called out to her, but instead of her answering her whole body fell. Daryl caught her body, releasing her gently on the floor.

"What's going on with her?" Shane asked him, as if he really cared.

"I don't think she has been eating or drinking enough," Daryl suggested as he checked her heart rate.

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