Chapter 31

381 11 6

Lia's POV

Is this real?

"Hello, love."

The one and only Harry freaking Styles flashes his dimply grin at me. And me, being the weird, obsessive, in-shock fan that I am, barely let out a sound.

"Aw, she's gone all shy!" Michael says and pokes my cheek, and I swat it away. "She's fiesty," Zayn laughs.

"No need to be shy, Lia," Liam speaks up, Louis nodding in agreement.

"Lia Mills."

My name rolls off his tounge beautifully. He's the only person that I know of that can make an Irish accent sound genuinly appealing.

"N-Niall," I manage to squeeze out, the blonde haired boy coming towards me.

He winks and holds out his hand, which I gladly accept. Hes much more handsome in person, rather than pictures on the internet.

"You can feel the sexual tension from over here."

I glare at Tarra, letting my hand slip from Niall's firm grasp. "Says the one who's neck is littered with hickies."

Everyone laughs at my retort but I wink at Tarra to let her know I'm joking. Her and Luke are too cute.

"Its good to finally meet you. I've heard plenty about ya," Niall says and I blush.

"I hope they were good things."

He lets out a hearty laugh, and Harry comes over to sit beside me. "Of course, love."

I can see myself getting used to being called 'love'.

I smile at him.

"You're a bit pale," Louis asks. "You alright?"

I look down at my feet, and I can feel everyone bar the five One Direction lads smirking at me.

"I-I uhm.." I mumble. "I fainted.."

Zayn frowns. "And why's that."

Calum bursts out laughing and Liam gives him a funny look. He coughs and regains his composure.

"Yeah, Lia," he snorts. "Tell them."

My eyes are burning holes in Calum's face. "Uh, well-"

"She fainted cause you lot followed her."

Oh Ashton, you little shit. They're going to think I'm weird..

Niall's eyes widen in amusement, but he shoots me a kind smile. "Thats cute."

I smirk at Ashton, who now looks defeated. "Thanks, Nialler."

"Nialler, eh?" He winks yet again. Maybe Calum was right about this Irish charm.

"Oh, for the love of god you two. Get a room!" Alyx squeals. Niall shakes his head, "Not possible yet. I've only met her."


My heart is racing.

Sensing the "sexual" tension, Liam breaks the silence and claps his hand together.

"Who's up for some pizza?"


"Oh, lord. I'm stuffed!"

I chuckle at Niall while he rubs his stomach, sighing in frustration.

"The Niall Horan?! Stuffed?!" I exclaim. He smirks at me. "Afraid so, babe."

I blush at the his choice of nickname, but I continue our conversation. We get to know eachother over cans of coke and lots of laughter. I keep getting odd glares from Ashton, but I shrug it off.

"Truth or dare!" Harry yells and we all agree. We set up in a circle, and Zayn volunteers to start.

"Michael! Truth or dare, mate?"

Michael looks to the ground in thought, but his head snaps up after a minute. "Dare!"

"Alright," the Bradford boy smirks. "Go on twitter and tweet saying that you're really horny."

"Ugh, whatever you say, Malik."

Michael takes out his phone and then Calum speaks up. "Niall, truth or dare?"

"Dare, mate." He smiles.

He's so gorgeous..

"Kiss the prettiest girl here."

Niall smirks at Calum, "Easy."

He turns to me and grins, and suddenely, he's leaning in. Oh my god.

I lean into him and our lips meet, molding perfectly. I feel sparks. They aren't as strong as the ones I felt when I first kissed Ashton. But I'm not kissing Ashton, I'm kissing Niall.

People begin wolf-whistling and we both start laughing, breaking apart.

But the next thing I hear is a door slamming.


A/N: sorry if that escalated quickly, I don't really like drawing things out too much. Hehe:3 the 1D lads are gonna become close friends with characters. Not like they wern't already with the 5sos boys:')
Team Ashia or Nilia? Mwhuaha;)

~Leah x

Give Me Love (An Ashton Irwin/5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now