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"Mom, I'm home!"

I smile to myself as my fifteen year old son comes in through the kitchen door, his brown hair slightly ruffled. The top buttons of his shirt are un-done.

"You like you were in some sort of brawl," I chuckle to myself as he sits down. I notice how his cheeks turn pink when I say this, and I gasp.

"Jamie.." I say. "Why are you blushing?"

"Nothing, mum." He smiles sarcastically, but I just smirk at him.

"Do you want me to get your father to suss this out?" I warn and Jamie rolls his eyes.

"Fine! I met this girl.." He says, covering his face. I squeal in delight and start jumping up and down, chanting "Who is it? Who is it?"

"Babe, calm down. That's not good for the baby," I hear Ashton's deep voice chuckle as he enters the kitchen. He looks just as good as he always does, if not better. He has a white shirt on with black dress pants, his mop of curls swept back by his trademark bandana.

"Mum, stop drooling at dad. It's weird," Jamie groans and I snap out of my daze to playfully slap his arm. Ashton smirks at me and puts his arm on my waist.

"You look good, babe," He whispers and rubs my growing bump, slightly tickling me in the process.

I rub my red dress out once Ashton takes his hand off me, but I return my attention quickly to my son. But before I can say something, Ashton butts in.

"Why does my son look like he's after some steamy sex session?" He asks casually, taking a drink out of the water bottle in his hands.

Jamie lets out a cry of despair. "We didn't have sex okay!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Then why does it look like she tore off your shirt and ran her hands through your hair?"

"Oh please! We just made out, okay? I really like her.." he trails off, and I smile at his shyness. "Plus, its not like you and dad havn't had sex!"

"Jamie!" I scold. "This isn't about our sex life.."

"Yes, Jamie," Ashton continues. "Although when I first banged your mother we-"

My jaw drops open with horror. "Ashton fucking Irwin, shut up right now."

"Make me," he winks.

"Okay please stop this is gross," Jamie groans.

"Alright. Well I want to meet her as soon as possible and make sure she's lovely," I say and Jamie rolls his eyes.

"Also," Ashton interupts. "Re-dress yourself. We're going for dinner with your uncles, and I don't want you looking like some horny rat in a posh restaurant."

Jamie's head snaps upwards, and he rushes out of the room with a huge smile on his face. I can hear him mentioning something about having a rematch of Fifa with Calum, and I giggle at him. Ashton grins, putting his drink down and walking over to me.

"You know," he says, wrapping both his arms around my waist. "It was only a few years off his age that we fell in love, eh?"

I smile at the memories, resting my forehead against his. "We were mad, weren't we?"

He chuckles. "Definitely."

We stay in eachothers embrace for a while until my phone buzzes. I step away from Ashton to read it.

"Jake's at the restaurant along with the boys," I say. "We better get going."

Ashton hollers for Jamie and gives me a quick kiss on the lips, leaving them tingling.

"Feel that?" He smiles, his gorgeous dimples popping out. I nod happily.

"All those years together, and your lips are still my favourite."

I can't help but blush at Ashton's words as he pulls me out of the kitchen, and the three of us leave the house. We get in the car, and as Ashton drives, I think back over the past few years.

Luke and Tarra are happily married with a young boy who they spoil rotten. I love seeing the three of them together because just when I thought the pair of them couldn't fall more in love, they did. And I can happily blame it on the kid!

Michael and Alyx are engaged, their wedding coming up this summer. They fell in love so quick that none of us saw it coming. But hey, anyone could say they were made for eachother now.

Calum is still single, but he's feeling rather lovesick considering we're all married or engaged. He adopted a puppy though, so that's keeping him occupied.

And my dear brother Jake is also married. He fell in love with a girl from home and she's pregnant too. She's absolutely lovely, Megan. And I approved from the very beginning. His career took off soon after the tour, and I can safely say he's a respected figure in the showbiz world along with 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Our dad died about a year ago. It was absolutely horrible, but we got to say our goodbyes. He was an amazing man and I will forever look up to him. I'm just glad mum's not so lonely up there anymore.

And as we join the people I love dearly in the restaurant, I can't seem to take the smile off my face. My life is pretty damned good right now.

But boy, did my husband Ashton Irwin make me work for it.


Ohmygod Give Me Love is officialy over! I wanna cry lol. It was the most funnest thing I've ever done and I'm so sad its finished. I wanna say a massive thank you to everyone who's read and voted for this fanfic. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! I love you all so so so much. Leah x

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