Chapter 6

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Lia's POV

When we get back to the hotel, we order room service and pick out a bunch of movies to watch.

"Im gonna take a walk around the hotel, I'll be back in a while," I say, walking up to the door.

"You want company?" Calum offers and I nod. "Sure."

As Calum gets up, I follow Ashtons gaze and it seems to be burning holes in Calums back.

He doesnt care, hes got a girlfriend.

We walk silently out of the room and I turn around to Calum once the door shuts. "You want to go to the balcony dont you?" He grins. I raise my hands up in defeat and grab his arm, pulling him along the hall until we reach the balcony door.

We open the door and walk over to the railing, overlooking the city once again. It truely is a beautiful sight, especially at night.

"Lia..Ive been meaning to ask you something.." I hear Calum say and I turn around to look him in the eye. "Of course," I say cheerfully. "Well, I know Ashtons your favourite, and I dont really have chance, god I dont even know why Im doing this right now but, I really like you. Would you go on a date with me..maybe?"

I feel my eyes widen in shock. So Calum really was serious about the whole "Calia" thing. Yeah sure maybe Ashton was my favourite but Calum treats me a whole lot better and genuinely cares for me.

"Yeah Cal, I will"

His head snaps back up and he gives me the biggest smile Ive ever seen, those adorable crinkles appearing by the side of his eyes. "Oh thank you Lia, I thought you-"

I cut him off by gently putting my lips on his. And for the first time in a while, I felt sparks.

Ashton's POV

I need to see what was going on between them. The way Calum looked at her...I could just tell something was up.

"Uhm guys Im gonna go clear my head, not feeling to good," I say, hoping the boys wont question me too much. Jake gives me a puzzled look, but shakes his head and smiles, "Alright, hope you'll feel better when you come back."

"Thanks mate," I give him a small smile before leaving the room.

Now to find them.

I run down the hall and look to the right, my curls slightly falling down over my eyes. I adjust them back into my bandana and look to the left. I see a door slightly ajar and decide to go down and inspect.

Once I reach it, I hear voices and crouch down, making sure I wasnt going to be seen. I tilt my head a bit to the right and sure enough, Lia and Calum were standing there. Calums looking at his shoes and Lia appears to be deep in thought. She looks really cute to be honest.

Suddenely, she looks up and gives him a smile, "Yeah Cal, I will"

What does she mean?

Calum lifts his head and smiles back at her. "Oh thank you Lia, I thought you-" he begins, but Lia cuts him off by kissing him.

I could have had that, but I messed up. My subconscious reminds me and I want to slap it for being so annoying, but I knew it was right. I have a girlfriend who I basically cheated on and didnt tell Lia about it either. Jess is great but shes getting clingy and pushy now, I just need a break. And I was hoping to break up with her but when she told me she was coming on tour with us, I couldnt. But theres something about Lia, shes so intriguing to me and I crave that about people.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear Lia say something about going back to the room soon. I hop up quickly and sprint back to the door of our room, taking a moment to catch my breath, then enter the room again.

The boys welcome me back and they tell me I regained a bit of my colour in my face. Probably because I just ran down the hall.

I sit down on one of the couches and begin to watch whatever movie is on the television.

The door opens and a laughing Lia and Calum walk through the door. Everyone looks up at them, "Well, what do we have here?" Luke smirks and they look up. Lias cheeks have gone a light shade of pink and Calums face was just plain red.

"Uhm nothing..what movie you guys watching?" Calum says, trying to change the subject.

"Woah hold on a sec," Jake says, looking over and back from Calum to Lia. "You guys just barged back into the room in a fit of giggles, ye are holding hands and when Luke asks whats going on, you both blush and try to change the subject? Calum what did you to do my sister?" Jake says, showing his protective side, but I can tell hes trying not to laugh.

"Fine, I asked her out. And she said yes. Happy?" The colour on his face was deepening and I could feel my fists clench. But I had to remind myself this was all my fault. She deserves to be happy and Calums a good guy. He will never hurt her, but I would.

Jake starts laughing and pats him on the back, "You should see your face right now! Im fine with that but take care of her, or you'll be hurt," his voice hints a slight bit of seriousness but the smile soon returns to his face.

"Yeah bro, we'll be after ya with our hurleys!" Michael says in a terrible Irish accent and both Jake and Lia throw their heads back, laughing hard. I notice how Lias green eyes brighten up about 10 shades lighter when she laughs, its such a beautiful sight.

Shes so perfect, I need her to be mine.


-Irish leg of the tour-

Lia's POV

I walk off the plane hand in hand with Calum, my free hand dragging my suitcase along the ground.

We're staying here for three days. The first two were concert days, and the last one is a day off. Jake and I are going to see our parents and then Calums taking me out for our date later that evening. I cant wait.

Everyone takes a seat in a small cafe in the airport, Ashton was the only one missing. He went to get Jess and bring her back to meet us. This should be fun. (note the sarcasm!)

We all just get a coffee and wait for Ashton to return. Calum takes my hand in his and gives it a light kiss. He leans in a whispers in my ear, "Bet Jess is gonna look like a cheap Barbie doll."

I nearly choke on my drink from laughter and I slap Calums arm playfully. I look up to see Jake watching us with a smile on his face. I feel heat raise to my cheeks and look the opposite direction.

Bad idea.

I can just make out Ashton in crowd, with a blonde headed girl attatched to him. Shes quite pretty, Ill give her that, but as she comes closer, I can see the layers of makeup on her face. Of course..

"Guys, this is Jess, my girlfriend," he said, placing a kiss on her cheek, making her erupt into a fit of giggles.

I make eye contact with Luke, who gives me look as if to say, what the hell...?

I raise an eyebrow at him and look back at the pair. I could feel Calum squeeze my hand and I shot him a grin.

"Guessing we arent the only couple here then?" Jess says rudely, giving me and Calum a disgusted look.

"I guess not honey. Sorry to burst your bubble but we're quite alike to you and Ashton, maybe a bit happier but anyways," I scoff, a chorus of "ooooohs" going around the table. Calum hasnt asked me to be his girlfriend yet but, we're the closest thing to a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ashton glares at me and I can literally see the fumes coming out of his girlfriends ears. I smirk at her and get up, my hand still intertwined with Calums. "Time to go?" I say, looking at everyone bar Ashton and Jess. "Yeah sure, lets go," Michael grins at me which I return.

We all walk together out of the airport, giggling and making fun of the randomest things, while Ashton and Jess trailed behind. I was having the time of my life with my brother and my new friends, and I wasnt going to let some asshole and his girlfriend ruin it.

A/N: heey, so Jess is a bitch! god knows what type of trouble she'll cause..;) anyways I hope youre all enjoying the story! Vote and comment, ily all♡ Leah x

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