Chapter 9

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Lia's POV

Tying up my hair into a messy pony tail, I patiently wait for Ashton to finish in the shower. I literally stink and he's been in there for god knows how long now.

Finally, I hear the water stop running and I get up and grab my towel, waiting for Ashton to leave the bathroom. It was such a pity that this place only had one bathroom. But hey, I should just be thankful I'm in France.

The door opens and Ashton strolls out, a white towel hanging low on his hips and his damp curls dancing around his neck as he walks farther away. I cant help but stare at him. His muscular arms shine with the afternoon light coming in through the window and suddenely I have the urge to ask him to turn around so I can have a better look, just to see his-

Snap out of it, Lia. Remember Calum?

Oh god. Calum. Of course. Calum's just as muscely as Ashton. And hes all mine.

Ashton looks over his shoulder and catches me staring. Oh shit. I thought I stopped.

"If you wanted a look, all you had to do was ask."

His voice is low and raspy, and I have to admit. Its sexy. Ashton turns around, his shirtless body now in my view, and he walks back over to me. I turn around and go to walk through the bathroom door but Ashton grabs my wrist. I feel his hot breath on my neck, and my heart begins to thump wildly in my chest.

"Youre so beautiful, Lia."

He lightly kisses my neck and walks away, leaving me breathless.


"Thank you, Paris! You were amazing! I love you all!"

I giggle as I watch my sweaty brother bounce off stage, enveloping me into a huge hug.

"Dude seriously, you stink, take a shower!" I laugh and I look over to see Ashton smirking at me from the side of the room. Thankfully, Calums talking to Michael on the other side of the room, so he didnt see.

I turn back to Jake and poke his cheek. "Another great show bro, I'm proud."

Jake grins and kisses my cheek before walking over to a table full of food and drinks, grabbing a bottle of water.

I skip over to the boys who were preparing to go on stage.

"Hey babe," Calum says and wraps an arm around my waist. I smile at him, pecking him on the lips as I lean into him. Michael gives me a playful wink and shakes his head in Ashton's direction. I look over to see Ashton cleching his jaw and looking in the complete opposite direction. I sigh, and hold Calum's hand in mine.

Only too soon, they had to go on stage. But before they ran off, Luke shouts to me, "Lia! I hope you wont be tired after this concert!"

I raise an eyebrow at him and the boys. "And why's that?"

Calum sends me a smirk, while Michael laughs.

"We're going clubbing"

A/N: helloo:) god im so sorry for the slow update! Seriously school is such a pain -.- heres a litte chapter for you all! Im hoping the next chapter might be a bit...interesting;) haha hope you are all loving the story, vote and comment, I dont bite! Ly all, Leah x

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