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Ellyn's point of view:

I woke up and just sat idol. I was feeling tired and alone. Yeah... Bruce was there but..it's hard to manage without mom..and no fun without Olivia. They called me today saying that they will come back next week on Sunday.

Today is Tuesday and I have to wait still next week..thats 12 days..so however I got up and did my daily routine. I was running late to school so I packed my bag so soon and took Bruce to Ashwill's house.

As he said that he will take care of him for these 12 days.

Marlee was already waiting for me at my gate. So as I dropped Bruce in Ashwill's house there was no more work to do.. only running to school.

"Oh My god" we are going to die..it's 11:30" said Marlee as we have to be at school by 11:40.
"Hey girls..do u need lift?" Zayn asked from his car beside us.
"Fast" I said and we both jumped in his car.
"Whoa slow down." Said Clyde who was sitting beside Zayn next to driver seat. As I and Marlee were sitting back.
"More 5 minutes go fast" said Marlee and soon we reached. The gates were about to close but the security guard saw us and let us in.
"Thank god" we all said in relief.

"Ahhhh...guys see there" I said to all pointing towards our enimies who were laughing and making fun of us.
"Oh..so they are here" Said Zayn.

Their names were Astron, Lamix, Elise and Amber.. and they were the most stupid people in our college..they like to prank everyone and bully others.. however they didn't come to us still..you know because we are good at fights too. They just keep bothering us.. always and you know?! making us feel soo insecure..

Anyways we didn't even speak to them about anything. But today I felt that we had to.. because it looked like they wanted to target me today.. and my gang is not going to leave them if they do that..

I was sitting with Marlee in the classroom...and Zayn and Clyde were in other class. They had history in the first period. But we had mathematics. Amber and Elise were sitting back of me and Marlee. I don't know why but I felt soo uncomfortable. But I didn't pay attention to it. But the silence didn't last longer..

Amber sticked a note on my back...I didn't feel that at first, but later I turned to see why everyone were laughing...it was soo awkward.. Marlee pulled that note out which read.
"I am an Idiot"

I was soo mad at Amber and Elise who were laughing at me like I was a clown..I felt my cheeks hot..and Marlee took me close and comforted me. I had to use the washroom..so I took permission to go. When I went I saw other 2 people coming behind me..I looked back to see..and I expected them.. they were Elise and Amber.

"What do you guys need??" I asked Sternley , even though I know I had tears in my eyes.
"Aww...see this little baby girl is crying" Said Elise.
"I think she felt bad.." Said Amber.
"Leave me alone" I Said
And started walking away. But I slipped and fell.when I saw down..there was oil. And my hand got scratched by the wood. And ofcourse blood started leaking. I ran to the office. And one of the teacher tied me a band-aid.

I wanted to complain about this to the principal..but she would call my parents and their parents and it would become a big matter..so I left it. And also mom is not in a good situation and she would feel bad if she gets to know that I got hurt. I came back to my classroom to see Marlee staring at my band-aid with death glare..

"Howww???" She said, to be honest she almost screamed.
"Hushhh! Slow down" I whispered because almost everyone in the class were seeing us.
"Finee...now tell what happened to your hand" she said pronouncing every word clearly.
"I fell down the steps.."I said but she looked in my eyes. I could read her eyes and expression.. which said I know you are lying..
"Fine...."I said not able to look anymore in her eyes. So I told her the truth. She got up then and there. I told her to sit down. And she saw me. My anger was bubbling. So she gulped and sat.
"I said Don't say to anyone.. ofcourse Zayn and Clyde won't listen but atleast you don't say anyone" I said.
And she nodded.

After a few minutes the class was over and it was history for us now. So we had to leave this class. We went down the corridors and headed to the history class..but to our surprise no one was there.. only me, Marlee and.. seriously?? There were Astron and Lamix..we turned back to go away but the door was locked. It wouldn't open..

"Oh god" said Marlee. Astron came and slapped me.
"How dare you?" I and Marlee shouted and Lamix laughed.
"See that red cheeks" Lamix Said. And Astron laughed.
"Are you feeling bad that she got slapped??" Asked Astron and slapped Marlee too.
"We are going right to principal's office" I said and took Marlee's hand.
"We turned and the door was still not opening. I and Marlee pulled it together and it broke..we ran outside I felt warm tears in my eyes..and I started crying. We sat on a bench, my hands on my face crying. The cloth was almost bleeding out. And I cried more.
"Please don't cryy.. please" said Marlee.
"How? It's paining.."I shouted.
"Husshh.." Said Marlee.

Her cheeks were red too.. the 5 finger marks were visible.

"MARLEE, ELLYN!! WHAT HAPPENED???"I heard Zayn and Clyde shouting..but I lost a lot of blood and seeing that terrible sight, I fainted.

Heyy guys!!how was it ?? Too long?? Because the word count is 1082 and I am getting mad with this typing. But I still love it. However, I was wondering!! What about CHARACTERS-2?? Because there are lot of members whom I have to cover. Ok guys Hope you all like it.

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