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A/n-Heyyyy guys! Just before u get confused! Let me tell you,pov means point of view. Enjoy and yess! I am back!!

Ellyn's pov:

"Dad!it's me! Your daughter!what happened to you!?" I said as I slowly started to understand
..he was loosing his memories..
"Daughter?..I don't remember having a daughter..and where even am I?"he asked looking around..
"Lewis!..what should I do!he is loosing his memories!"I said and Lewis looked at the dark lord.
"We have to destroy him.."he said and I nodded.

"This is not over yet!! I will conquer this world!this is my place!"the dark lord yelled and I took the gem and ran towards him.
"This is for making us all suffer!!" I yelled and pressed the gem right on his tattoo mark..
"Ahh!!"he shouted and started to fade away..
"Ahhhhh!"my dad screamed and I turned to see what is happening..my dad was screaming catching his head and..is he trying to remember his memories...?
"Dad!!"I shouted and ran towards him.
"Ellyn...?..my daughter!..?"dad started seeing me.
"Yes..dad! Do u remember me..dad..?" I asked and he nodded and hugged me.
"Dad!!I missed you!!" I said and cried into the hug..
"I missed you too..."he said..and then it hit me.. where are others...?

"Zayn!!where are others!" I asked and he looked at me and Towards Lewis..
"Guys..we have to get away from here!"he said and I was wondering why..just then the castle
...it started breaking..

"Let's goo!" I said and they all nodded.. Lewis picked Ashwill and Zayn was leading the way while I and dad ran behind.
"Be careful-" Zayn was about to say but the land was broken apart. And we were struck on either side.
"Oh god!"Lewis said and was looking around for help..but then a rock was about to fall on us..
"Noooo!!!"they screamed..and I understood..I am going to die..I bent down and and waited for it to fall..wait.. why is nothing happening..?

I opened my eyes and found me and my dad on a big creature..but we were not alone..

"Merlin!Clyde!"I said and hugged them both.
"Are you okay!?" They asked.
"Yeah..we are fine..just because you saved us.." I said.
"Mr.Jones! How are you!!" Clyde asked still not believing that dad is alive.
"I am fine..don't Worry...."dad said and we nodded.

"Where did you find this large creature tho...?" I asked looking at the giant bird which saved us..
"Well..you know this poor creature was lying in the forest, injured and we helped it..so it helped us.."Merlin said and smiled Patting the creature.

We slowly landed to the ground and Zayn came running towards us.
"Can we like..have a group hug maybe..?" He asked looking at us three and we all nodded..
And we all hugged.
"Ouch!bro!You are pressing me too hard! Clyde Said and we pulled back from the hug laughing.
"Sorry..I thought I would loose you all.." he said and we all nodded.
"But..we made it.."I said and we looked at the elders who were just hugging and laughing..well..friends reunion..

Wait.. something seems to be missing..oh no..

"Merlin!!!! where is Bruce!!?"I asked and she looked at me.
"You know...."she started making me scared..what..
"It was sleepy so..it slept.." she said making me sigh in relief.
"But where!!"I asked looking around.
"Ugh..don't worry!see!"she said pointing towards the giant bird..oh..there!! I saw Bruce sleeping on the creature..
"Ah..thank god.." I said.
"Now what are we gonna do..?" I asked and looked at the elder....men..

"Are they still kids..?" Clyde asked seeing the elders playing and jumping here and there..
"Well..you know..it's been a long time so....haha.."Merlin said and laughed.
"Dad!!" What now!! I asked and they finally came back to their senses.

"Let's go.."dad said and I went to take Bruce from the creature..
After Clyde and Merlin saying an emotional and dramatic goodbye to the giant bird, we went back to the hill...back to the diary..

"Keep all your hands here.."dad said and we all kept as he said..
"But dad! What about the people here..? What about this place!!" I asked and they all looked at me.
"Don't worry..it will all become well soon..people have been released from the castle..and this place will be beautiful as it was before.."Lewis said and I nodded.
"Now it's time to go.."dad said and said us to close our eyes..
"Ahhhh!!" We all screamed when we felt like being pulled inside the book..and then we opened our eyes.. and found ourselves..in the park..on the bench..at the same place where we left this world,to a place we never imagined to go to...never expected something like this would happen..


Hey guys!!!! Wow! Update after a long time! Well..don't worry,there will be one last chapter after this..how do you expect your author to leave this novel without an epilogue?..

Okay guys!! See you soon!

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