11) GOT IT!!

9 4 6

Ellyn woke up and stared at Bruce who was sleeping. Then she walked towards the washroom and freshed up. She went and brought breakfast and woke up Bruce. After doing their morning routine Ellyn dropped Bruce at Ashwill's house because she had to go to college.

Ashwill told that he will take care of Bruce until she comes back. And Bruce also got habituated with Ashwill.

Ellyn and Marlee used to walk to school together because they were a bit near to the school. And Zayn and Clyde used to go on car together as they were far. And while coming back to home they all used to come together on Zayn's car. That was their regular routine.

After their college hours completed, they all sat in Zayn's car to leave. It was 5:00 already. Zayn dropped Clyde and Marlee. Only Ellyn was left.

"Drop me at Ashwill's house. I left Bruce in his home..after picking Bruce u drop us at home" Ellyn said.
"As you wish" Zayn said.

So as discussed. They picked Bruce from Ashwill's house.

"Hey mr. Ashwill..hope that Bruce didn't trouble you" said Ellyn.
"Noo not at all. He is cute little puppy. And he is also obedient." Said Ashwill.
as he handed Bruce to her.
"Thank u so much for taking care of him" said Ellyn.
"Always." Said Ashwill and they said goodbye.

After a while Zayn dropped Ellyn to her house.

"Take care and if you need any help, text me" Said Zayn.
"Sure.. don't drive fast..go slow"
"Ofcourse" said Zayn and drove away.

As soon as Ellyn came home, she freshed up. And took the key book. She took out her dad's diary too. As Ashwill said..there was a gem on the diary. She took it out and checked properly. She saw that there was space on the keybook. It looked like as if it appeared just now. She took the gem and observed it carefully. Then she understood. She had to place the gem in that space provided on key book. And then she remembered the key..she didn't understand what was that for. She then flipped her dad's diary. And found a lock..she opened it and it revealed


She didn't want to waste time. So she wanted to go right now..but she was not able to see the map. She then remembered that there have to be 6 members to go there. She thought for a while and then decided that they will go to the adventure tomorrow. They have college but just for 4 hours. It was a half day.

She then rested her head on the pillow. It was already 11:30 and her eyes slowly closed. Followed by Bruce beside her. They both fell asleep.

Heyy guys! Phew...! That was not long but I had a hard time writing it. Don't worry ... everything is going great. Soon I am again having exams..so yeahhhh!! This novel is coming to an end..more 2 to 3 parts and that's it..my target is 15 parts..so ..ummm..yeah..I will have to give a break again.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment. Take care..stay home stay safe. Happy reading :)


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