Few months ~ many changes

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Third Point of View

A file shoves on the bar when a lady with dark skin enters with a drink. She turns the page "Such a vast project?", having his back busy on the call. She drew a glimpse of looking to the interior and bar. He asked her, "Seems trouble?"
"They find some frozen body or statue?"
"Such skilled people. What was that?"
"I haven't seen it. They're still trying to seek details and research by bringing her inside out,"
He hums and pours himself a drink. She grabbed the seat ahead of the counter when he said, "Is that all it worries you?"
She put the newspaper on the table "there is someone on the way also,"


Klaus was painting a canvas when he heard the bang of the banging gate. He ignores and concentrates on the painting soon he hears the silence and he can assume what was the fight. These few months Hayley's anger flares up as they hunt wolves, and thus the fact he hardly cares is fueling it more. Elijah was busier with wolves and also tough on me for ruining Hayley's peace.
But then Hayley's anger wasn't all for me, but at Jackson for taking such an extended break and getting far away from the duties.
Klaus was giving a stroke of black on red when Elijah stormed with a drink in his hand, making Klaus smile on his misery." Something you wish to share with Niklaus".
Klaus uses the tip of his finger to smudge the black "make yourself comfortable"
"You won't help"
"They aren't much of concern"
"Not mine also, but they hope family"
"We had skilled those hundred times the smallest amount and you recognize my answer"
"You are making them suffer"
"They deserve it-they once helped Hayley to urge me away with my child," knowing Hayley is listening

"It was long within the past" Hayley stormed in, His studio "it wasn't all you made me suffer". His face fell, but he stared back and smirked "did you have fun within the bayou?" the dead bodies of werewolves flashes ahead of Hayley's eyes and Klaus smirks.
"Hayley, you change your clothes? We've to meet Davina?"
Klaus took the damp rag cloth cleaning the black with amusement "I guess black suits her for good"
She was inches from beating the smirk when Elijah grabbed her glaring at his brother "please". She shrugs far-off from Elijah and leaves the space.
Elijah turned to Klaus with a long face" I once wonder why I ask you to socialize, you were better that way in your hell" that makes Klaus smirk fell off his face, but he carried it with a bigger smirk making the breach between them wider.

"to the left please" his eyes follow the empty land in front of him." Be better be fast lad" he nods and steps out of the cab. He moves to the corner and turns on the lawn lights that only turned three out of five "hey, majority way they work, "the light to lighten the eulaine mansion'
He sit-down on the lawn bench looking at the place where he once looked at her." my divorce is happening soon and now I realize why you console me when I tell you I am getting married. Took me longer to get that. One more news I am no more a leader nothing personal but you can count as alimony. I can't give her Ansel pretty house, she is very fond of," he chuckles.
He took a deep breath" so I am a werewolf who needs a job not for completing my happy home with Hayley but for a living. There is one thing I realize of peace in not being brave and for once left everything. No wonder why you were away from most people." He brought out the chocolate bar and took a big bite "you won't get any share. I am still angry," a tear of anger slips from his right eye" and miss you a lot, then I would ever describe I need you"


Cami has walked into the bar, which has been temporarily converted into an art gallery and is now full of artwork on display. She looks around for a moment until Klaus appears and walks over to greet her "Camille! Thanks for coming."
Cami confused"... Why did you ask me to meet you here?"
"Well, I'd hoped we'd have one of our little chats, and I thought you might appreciate the change of venue."
He spreads his arms wide and gestures around the room at all the paintings and smiles nervously, "So, I'm allowing you a private tour... of my exhibition".
Cami's eyes widen in realization, "These are yours?"
Klaus chuckles and smiles as Cami looks around at his art "I spent the better part of millennia trying not to draw my father's attention. And now he's dead, and all those who stood against me have been vanquished... I see no reason the fruits of my labor should go unappreciated."
Cami hesitates a moment before sighing and turning to face him "I didn't come here to appreciate art. If you want to talk about your progress as a person striving for empathy, fine. If not? I'll go."
Klaus walks toward her as he looks at Cami with a mixture of amusement and confusion" Have I offended you?"
Cami frustrated "I agreed to see you professionally."Klaus smiles widely at her, but Cami ignores him and continues, "But I was very clear when I set our boundaries, and they don't include private art shows."
Klaus smiles "Oh. Well, then, perhaps you prefer to escort me to tomorrow's opening?"
Cami sighs in exasperation "Call me if you want to talk."
Cami walks away and is almost out the door when she realizes why Klaus really invited her there and stops suddenly "Wait—you're worried no one else will come. Rebekah's gone, Marcel's angry, Elijah won't even look at you... You'll be alone."
She walks toward Klaus and looks at him sympathetically "You're scared because the people you love are angry with you. Maybe you need to think about that."
Klaus doesn't seem at all pleased by Cami's assessment of his feelings, but before he can say anything, Cami's phone buzzes, and she pulls it out of her purse to check it. Whatever she sees on the screen makes her frown in concern. CAMI guiltily "I have to go."

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