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"found anything?" Elijah asked Zoya.

Zoya advises "Why don't we both separate? you watch on deck and I look downstairs,"

He points a finger at her " no you search on deck and I look downstair. it could be difficult in dark downstairs,"

" I have a torch in my cell phone,"

"look on deck" he shoves her aside and proceeds downstairs. she groans and turns seeking around deck. It was empty, not much for entertaining windows broken with rusted doors, and a few were lazily swinging. she creates a mental map of the ship. She goes to the verge of the ship and turns, analyzing. Five levels 1 check. She was leaning on edge when she felt the railing get vibrate there was a noise of something creaking. she pulls away from her slant weight from the railing and moves back with low and smooth steps

Elijah dust away dirt from his jacket, looking around in the hallway. When he heard her shriek and light shuttered on her shriek and loud noise.

He rushes upstairs to see Zoya's hand on her heart, and Niklaus was near the edge of the railing

" This is the fifth time you have thrown me like that," Klaus gets on his feet patting his clothes.

She would argue, "you scared me. Grew up Klaus. what are you five?"

Klaus canceled his brother's worries "ah brother, we were just having some fun,"

Elijah asks Klaus, "Vincent?"

"They filled his apartment with witchy stuff, nothing new. That's all can I get, and he looked like dating your mother," he winks at Zoya, making Zoya roll her eyes. Elijah commands him as "well more than a merrier. look around,. Klaus smirks as arrogantly as possible, "nothing works without me - you know we should fetch a witch- it seems simple as finding a pin in the hay,"

Zoya gave him a tight smile, "a witch will never figure it out,. Klaus replied in a same tone as her "and what guarantee it still has all the secrets. Haven't got stolen?"

Elijah remarked, "I agree with him., we can figure it out later, I will deny selling this. You can have all the treasures later on,. She replied with an irritated tone, "I don't want treasure," she looks sideways and responds to them tensely, ,"she will soon be a threat to your family if you haven't sold her."

Klaus sighed, "then dismantle it She was quick NO" they both were looking at her troubled. she can hear how irritating she sounds.

Klaus rolls his eyes, "we don't have time. We have just a few hours left,"

She would have agreed to Klaus when Elijah interrupts "but we still have those hours. We will look around" he ignores looking at both. Zoya notices a change in demeanor.

Her land suddenly falls as she was holding The railing. the railing broke making Zoya fall from the edge... Elijah shout Zoya"

They reach to the edge ready to jump in Mississippi but saw her swinging in the air to the ready to break the railing. she struggled "huh hello again"

both brothers move their hand forward. Which one to choose Niklaus? or Elijah? . To surprise Elijah bent more and grab her hand. soon Klaus took her other hand. They pull her up, and she slowly moves away from the broken edge.

The moment she steps away Elijah put his other hand around her waist pushing her away, as the edge falls. Both brothers move her back. She can feel the warmth coming from whereas Elijah was holding tight. She tried to peak down " you will stay aside us " they both command her at the same time.

"I Can take care of myself, she removed her hands from his grip " and we should look around,"

She back away from both.

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