Other side of the Coin

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Zoya was peering out of the window to reading the sky. She shifts as Elijah's phone rang. He excuses himself and leaves out of the library. Zoya was resting when her phone sounded.

'L. C,'
She picks up making sure out vampire of vampire hearing "hello"
"Does my bare body do you unsettle?"
"Does my not glancing at you unsettle that you still have awoken?
"Ouch. I guess I hit a nerve"
"Not even close"
"Sound dull"
"Not about me, please. About you?"
"I met my childhood love"
"Remind me to send you white flowers"
"She asked about her ex"
"A tiny bottle of poison with it"
"And don't want to talk about them. You?"
"He is here in my home"
"Go to bed yourself in white flower gardens"
"He is flirting with me"
"And for once I practically fall for him"

She was on the call when the door had opened, and their eyes connect for a second. He notices her on-call as he closed the door and she hangs up on saying bye.

He took his seat at the same place and notice the book given by her. This time he reads it with dedication, but he didn't get it. Unknown to him Zoya was observing her understood how much he has read. She bit her lower lip and smile "need help?"
He looks up at her confused to take it or not "I am getting it well"
"It comes with precaution. Don't be calculative while reading it"
"It just names. Why you people have so many gods?"
"Because people are different, they live, their desires differ. Some desire knowledge, power, women. Human and their desires" she gets up and moves to him.
"I don't believe in god"
"It depends on what you expect from God. How you look at the.better consider him a companion. Someone who would listen, don't make me feel alone, and when everything crashes down, you could easily often blame him"
"I often thought god as one definition of the creator"
"We often struggle to name every single thing" I snatch the book out of his hand and place it back "specifically not the common carefree name. Creator, food–provider, too formal for god"
"I never thought you were so religious"
"Religious no but yeah, I have morals which learn from here their culture and religion"
"What you learn from new Orleans?"
"Hope. A vision of betterment either those is witches, werewolves, or anyone. Even among the negative peoples, they never lose hope. Making an appearance so often"
"Like your parents?" he expects her to speak, but she doesn't "aren't you afraid?"
"Afraid of fighting them. No, I know I am doing right to them"
"I and my siblings were on the run all the time from our father. We knew we can defeat them if we want, but strangely we afraid of facing him. Every time he was close- it chokes us and we ran away every time"
"Hmm," she knew what he was referring to "I have work to focus. Excuse me," she gets up leaving him.
He catches her wrist, "Zoya?" stopping her, "you never tell how you felt when you met your mother?"
"Disappointed" he narrowed his eyes at her "now excuse me," she pulls her hand out of his grip. He vamps up blocking her path "what that's mean?" she was walking past him, but he grabs her arm and pulls her to him, taking her back "I deserve that answer after you break the news to him about us. Compensation"
"Of course, that's why you can't sleep," his gaze doesn't falter over her observation confession "well as compensation. I promise you no one else will know"
"Why were you disappointed?" she looks sideways, but he grabs her chin and turns to him. He can easily see the suffocation of her "Zoya those medicines are not immune one they were drugs, and it was illegal"
"Big is coming from you"
"They hide the pain and symptoms of both physical and mental. Your anger, annoyance, silence, those pent-up emotions are affecting your health"
"Pollution and global warming also do that"
"I am trying to tell you something"
"And I give you thousands cue that I don't want you to interfere in my life"
He let go of her chin and cup her face with both hands, he looks at her pleading "What is it? Tell me I will help you out. I know witches far more than capable. We could ask Freya-"
"-I prefer silence in my library," she pushes him away and moves to the couch. He licks his lip and blurts "you are so selfish" she turns to him with fake concern. He left the room in anger. Straightway is striding out the palace. She heard the car engine and next she knew he left.

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