When You're Sick

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Ashton: Ash would be all cute and adorable and giggles and he'd try so hard to make you smile and he'd constantly say little jokes or do weird things to distract you from how you were feeling and when you eventually cracked a smile he'd clap his hands together and do that little high pitched giggle.

Calum: Calum would lay calmly with you pulled into his side and he wouldn't say anything but he'd trace shapes along the top of your back and run his fingers really lightly up your waist just so you knew despite the silence he was completely there for you and wanted to comfort you.

Michael: Michael would be a dick and make jokes about it and when you ran to the bathroom to be sick he'd run away and hide but when he saw you come back all fragid and sickly he'd feel guilty and pull you in for a big hug and make you soup to help you feel better, he'd cuddle you on his lap and pull a blanket over you both and make sure he made up for acting like an idiot.

Luke: Luke wouldn't really know what to do, he'd probably call Liz for advice and then he'd be super cautious around you and constantly telling you what you should and shouldn't do, he'd lay in bed with you and lay with his face close to yours and just talk about everything to distract you.

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