M.C - Catching Him Cheating Pt.2

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As soon as you heard the door shut behind you the tears overwhelmed you, you crumpled against the door and cried your eyes out, a huge mixture of emotions: anger, despair, rage, guilt. You couldn't handle it. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and went through your contacts until you found the name you were looking and called them. The phone rang for fifteen seconds before a familiar voice answered. "Hello, Y/N?"

"Luke!" You breathed into the phone and he could tell something was up.

"Y/N? What's wrong are you okay? Are you hurt? What's happened?" He asked, his voice laced with panic.

"Its Michael..." You sobbed into the mouthpiece, "I just... I just caught him with another girl." You said embarrassedly, it was embarrassing that you had to admit that he'd kissed someone else.

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry. Do you want me to kick his ass?" Luke suggested a hint of anger in his low voice.

"No..." You smiled weakly although it was tempting. "Can I come over, please? I really don't want to be alone right now." You admitted.

"Yeah of course, do you want me to pick you up? Are you at Mike's place?" he asked and you told him you were. "Okay, wait out front I'll be there in ten." He said and hung up.

You straightened yourself up and used your front camera to see how you looked, you'd been too lazy this morning to bother with make up so the only thing looking bad was the fact that your eyes were red and puffy. You wiped them slightly hoping it would make a difference but of course it didn't.

You stood outside and embraced the fresh air, it felt good. The air inside Michaels flat had felt awful so stifling from all the tensity that the fresh air was clearing your head slightly. Just as he promised Luke was there ten minutes later in his car, gesturing for you to get in and you did so gratefully.

"Stupid question, are you okay?" Luke asked looking at you cautiously.

"Not really."

"I can't believe it." He told you, shaking his head.

"Me either, he told me loved me." You whispered.

"He does love you, he never stops talking about you when we're out. He loves you so much. I don't get why he did this?" Luke questioned and started driving.

"I don't know what to do, Luke... He was so upset like I do believe it was a mistake. I don't think he intentionally wanted to hurt me but just... Seeing him on top of her..." You trembled. "And then him. He was devastated, he was physically crying and begging me to stay but how could I? I don't think I can trust him anymore Luke, and how can you have a relationship with no trust?"

"He was crying?" Luke asked wide eyed and you nodded. "He never cries. I think you should give him a second chance Y/N. He loves you so much, it'll take time for you to forgive him but if you love each other you can work through it." You took in what he was saying and thought about it, Luke was right. You did love Michael, no matter what. "Oh I'm gonna go through the McDonalds drive through because I'm starving, do you want anything?" He asked looking at you and you shook your head.

Whilst you were waiting for your order in the drive through, Luke took his phone out and started to text someone, you tried to see who he was texting but his phone was at angle so you couldn't see.


You were glad when you reached Luke and Calum's shared place but when you walked through the door you were greeted by someone you hadn't expected to see: Michael. You turned to Luke and shot him a filthy, "Is this who you were texting?" You asked angrily and he nodded sheepishy.

"Sorry Y/N, but I'm rooting for you guys." He shrugged and ran to the kitchen, attempting to avoid confrontation and closing the door behind him.

"Please baby... Talk to me." Michael pleaded and he grabbed your wrist and led you to the couch.

"Mike, I... I don't know what to say. You cheated on me. I don't know how to forgive that." You said honestly.

"And I've never regretted anything more in my life. Y/N I love you more than anything in my life, more than when the pizza arrives early and more than killing zombies on COD. Please baby, I don't know what I'd do without you." He said starting to well up again, he was winning you over. Despite what had happened you truly loved him, he was Michael freaking Clifford, the love of your life.

"I love you too Mikey, but I don't know if I can trust you now..." You frowned sadly.

"I understand that Y/N, but give me a chance to prove myself, believe me when I say it was a huge mistake and meant nothing to me. I promise to prove to you that you can trust me, I promise..." He begged and you nodded. He'd won you over, you nodded and his face relaxed as he was overcome with relief.

"I love you Y/N, and I'll spend every minute I can showing you that." And he placed his lips to yours, silencing you both.

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