Arguing About Money

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"Y/N its fine just let me pay for your lesson!" Ashton said agitated. You and your boyfriend had been having a lot of arguments recently regarding money. "Ashton no! I can pay for my own driving lessons for gods sake!" You shouted at him, he looked hurt. "I don't see why not? I have the money! I want to do this let me pay for them, please?" Ashton begged trying to pull you into a hug but you resisted his efforts, his face dropped. "No Ashton when are you going to understand this isn't just about money! You don't get it!" You half yelled in frustration and before he could say another word you stormed out of the door, leaving Ashton speechless.


You were in a restaurant with your fiancé Calum, about to pay for a meal you'd eaten. You couldn't be in a better mood since Calum had just proposed to you but your stomach turned when the check came, it was £200. "Holy crap, how did we spend £200 on food?" You breathed out in shock. "Don't worry babe, I've got it covered." Calum said reaching into his blazer pocket for his wallet. "No, no, no, Cal you're not just paying for it all, I ate this food I think its only right that I pay for what I ate." You reason but he just shakes his head completely ignoring your pleas and taking out four £50 notes from his wallet. "Calum I said no!" You tell him angrily. "And I said yes, sorry Y/N I'm not gonna argue about this. We're engaged now get used to me paying for things." Calum shrugged completely blowing off the topic. "You're right Cal, we aren't arguing about this, but maybe we made a mistake getting engaged. I'm getting a taxi home, goodbye." You demand and get up leaving Calum looking dumbfounded.


"Michael for fucks sake I asked you not to!" You shouted at your boyfriend who you were currently in a heated argument with. "I was trying to do something nice for Y/N! So you wouldn't have to worry about your student loan anymore!" He yelled at you, his arms flying round in exasperation. "But Michael I specifically asked you not to and you went behind my back to pay them, I wanted to do it myself even if it took me a couple of years at least I did it myself. You can't just come along with all your money and buy me everything it doesn't work that way." You told him and you saw his face soften. "But you're my princess." He whispered kissing your nose. "Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't realise it meant that much to you. Forgive me?" He pleaded and gave you the puppy dog eyes he knew you couldn't resist.


"Okay Luke, I'll be back in a minute I just have to run to the shops to put some money on the gas card!" You called out to your silent flat. "Don't worry babe I already got it!" Luke called back to you before appearing in front of you. "But I just got the money from the tin?" You frowned and he looked guilty. "I paid for it myself, and the electric and the Sky bill, and the rent..." He trailed off knowing how you felt when he used his money to pay for everything. "Luke, why?" You asked failing to keep the anger from your tone. "Because I can! Look if I have the money then why not use it to our advantage? Babe seriously it isn't a big deal you can take that money and go buy some clothes or shoes or whatever you wanna buy?" He suggested but he knew his attempts weren't working on you. "No Luke, we've talked about this. I don't want your money!" He looked upset and you felt a little but guilty but not enough to cave in. "No you know what? Screw you Y/N, I'm trying to help out here and all you do is bitch! I'm going out. Don't call me." Luke spat and barged past you, slamming the front door behind him.

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