The Other Boys Find Out You're Pregnant

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"Ash, we need to tell them." You whispered nervously into Ashton's ear.

"I know babe, but we need to tell them at the right time." Ashton insisted. You were out for dinner with the band and Calum had been bugging you to do shots with him, but being pregnant meant you were unable to drink alcohol and Calum was starting to look a little sour that nobody would do shots with him.

"And when is that?" You asked in annoyance and Ashton just shrugged helplessly. "No. I'm telling them now. Guys! Guys!" You commanded their attention, Calum was sat sulking and Michael was trying to persuade Luke to go and get a girls number but they all turned their attention to you expectantly as you called them. "I have something to tell you..." You began, looking round at them with an uneasy glance.

"You're a lesbian!" Michael half shouted excitedly, making the table laugh.

"No, Michael. I am not a lesbian. I'm with Ashton, remember?" And a look of disappointment washed over Michaels face.

"Damn! That would've been hot." Michael pouted, causing Ashton to shoot him a dirty look.

"Actually... I'm pregnant.." You admitted and all of their expressions dropped as Ashton's hand squeezed yours tightly in support. Luke was staring straight at you, eyes wide. Michael was frowning and looking intensely at your boobs and stomach, looking for proof that you were and Calum was starting to break out into a wide grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his smile grew.

"With a baby?" Luke asked, still looking slightly scared.

"No, Luke. With a camel." You responded sarcastically and he laughed.

"Wow..." Luke breathed out. All of a sudden Michael jumped up, letting out a loud cheer and encouraging the Calum and Luke to do the same.

"Guys! We're having a baby!" Michael squealed excitedly, waving his arms in the air like a child. "Congrats guys!"

"Thanks Mike." Ashton smiled proudly as Michael shook his hand in pride. It wasn't long before they were all placing bets on whether you're baby would be a girl or a boy and Michael was trying to persuade you to name the baby after a Pokémon. You leaned back into Ashton as he wrapped his arms around, pulling you closer and you couldn't help but smile.

"Well, this is going to be fun." Ash said quietly in your ear, loud enough so only you could hear and placing a delicate kiss to the side of your head.

You were huffing and puffing in frustration as you stood over the stove, relentlessly working to make dinner for the boys, Calum had run to the shops to buy some salt and the other three were sat in the living room huddled round the Xbox and arguing about who was winning in Call of Duty, by the sound of it Michael was stropping because Luke was beating him. You continued to stir the spaghetti aimlessly, tapping you foot on the ground when you noticed suddenly all the arguing had stopped and the boys were now whispering. You frowned to yourself before taking the spaghetti off of the heat and creeping to the door, cocking your ear to listen.

"No way!" You heard Ashton whisper.
"Yes." Michael said seriously.

"She cannot be pregnant!" Ashton whispered urgently and you quickly face palmed yourself as you realised you'd left your sonogram picture on top of the fireplace and you and Calum hadn't yet told anyone you were expecting. You took a deep breath, well there was no hiding it now. You walked quietly through the hallway before suddenly bursting through the front room door, making all the boys jump and causing Luke to drop your sonogram picture.

"Don't you know its rude to snoop through peoples things?" You narrowed your eyes at the three of them trying to force shame out of them, which seemingly worked as they all looked rather embarrassed.

"Don't you know its rude to keep secrets from your friends?" Michael regained his confidence as he tried to sass you, now it was your turn to look ashamed.

"Is it true?" Ashton asked curiously.

"Yes, its true. We're having a baby." You confessed and almost simultaneously all three of them jumped up and surrounded you, squeezing you tightly in a group hug and spewing out choruses of 'congratulations'. They were making enough noise that you didn't hear Calum come in.

"Whats going on?" Cal frowned, standing in the doorway, confusion plastered on his face until he caught sight of the sonogram picture you were now holding and then his face dropped. "You told them without me?" He said sadly.

"No! They found the picture babe." You reassured Calum, going over to him and wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Sneaky bastards." Calum said in annoyance but his face told you he was kidding. "Hug it out!" Cal yelled suddenly and rushed you back to the boys for another group hug.


"I'm pregnant." You finally told the boys, there was nothing in particular that had prompted you to finally tell the other boys, aside from the fact that you were now starting to show, but you just hated keeping secrets from your best friends.

"Lies." Calum hissed, jokingly.

"Wait. You guys don't have protected sex?" Ashton said in mock disgust and high fived Calum.

"Don't be jealous boys, its not an attractive trait." Michael smiled smugly, pulling you into him as close as possible.

"Are you guys sure you're ready?" Luke asked, he usually was the most level headed out of the boys.

"No." Michael answered simply. "Of course not, but who is?" He shrugged. "I see it like this. Y/N is my soulmate, I love her more than anything in this world. Although the timing isn't perfect, having a baby with her is the most perfect thing I could ever imagine." Michaels voice got all soppy and he turned to kiss you passionately, not caring that you could feel the beady eyes of your friends on you.

"What're you gonna call it?" Calum questioned.

"It?" You repeated in disdain.

"Well I don't know if its a girl or boy, do I?" Calum reasoned.

"Michaels bugging to name him or her after a Game of Thrones character." you sighed loudly and felt Michael's throaty laugh vibrate through you.

"We don't have to worry about that yet." He grinned. "We have all the time in the world."


Luke had absolutely insisted that today should be the day you told the boys you we're expecting a baby, everybody knew but them. However Luke was adamant that since it was such amazing news, you should make it into a game, make the boys figure out what you wanted to tell them. You set about cooking and within no time dinner was served and the boys were clambered around the dining table, eating noisily and joking among each other.

"Guys, have you er, noticed a sorta theme today?" Luke asked, regarding them carefully.

"Is the theme hot? This food is hot. Your fiancée is hot." Calum shot a wink at you which merited in a punch in the arm from Michael.

"No." Luke snapped. "Look at the food?" And you and Luke watched as Ashton, Michael and Calum all looked down at their plates in confusion and then looked at each other, neither having any clue what Luke was talking about.

"Okay, so you have lamb, which is baby goat, you have baby potatoes." You spoke slowly, putting strong emphasis on your words. Michael's eyes lit up and he jumped up excitedly, finally catching on to what you were talking about and running round the table to shake Luke's hand and hug you tightly. A few seconds later Ashton caught on too, joining Michael in his celebration and running to get a bottle of champagne.
Calum was still sat frowning at his plate, narrowing his eyes so intently that his brows covered his eyes almost completely. He looked up at you, disappointed he hadn't gotten it yet. To give him a hint Luke hugged you from behind, making sure to settle both hands on your stomach and smiling sinfully at Calum until finally he jumped up too.

I feel like Luke's and Michaels really sucked but I like Calum's.

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