Matching Tattoos You Get

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Ashton - One of the things you'd always loved was his tally tattoo, he'd gotten it to signify how important the band was to him and after talking to him to make sure he agreed, you'd decided to get one to match but on the opposite wrist. You'd met him through being a fan of the band and it was the music that had first made you fall in love so you both thought it was only fitting to have matching tallys.

Calum - Calum wasn't one for huge gestures but he adored the smaller things and he'd thought it would be really cute to have each others initials tattooed, he got your initials tattooed on his thumb and you got his on the back of your neck.

Michael - A well known fact about Michael was that he was a huge nerd and the reason he'd fallen for you was because you were the exact same and he'd thought it was absolutely adorable and strikingly hot at the same time so you'd both decided to get a small Pikachu tattoo on your upper arm.

Luke - Luke was proud of having tattoo free skin and he wasn't in any hurry to cover himself in ink but when he'd asked you to marry him you'd had a long conversation and he told you that he wanted something Kore significant than a simple wedding ring and that he was on the road so often that he didn't ever want to risk losing or misplacing it somewhere because it would devastate him. So you had made the decision to get the infinity symbol tattooed on your wedding fingers, you'd been a little unsure as getting a tattoo to signify your relationship with another person was a big deal but he told you that he knew you would always be the one and you'd be together for infinity and beyond.


Akakjsjqjaj NEW ALBUM SOON I'm super excited to hear it and I have a feeling its going to blow everyone's minds after hearing the songs that have been released so far and I'm freaking ready for people to start taking 5sos seriously as musicians and not thinking of them as the "second 1d" or just another boyband.

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