C.H - Airport

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Seeing ROWYSO end was certainly a sad time, their first world headlining tour and watching as your boyfriend played some of the greatest venues in the world with his band was something you would never get sick of but now it was over you were glad you would get to see Calum again.

Conflicting college schedules had meant that you hadn't been able to even see them when they were home in Sydney and the past months had been absolutely killing. It wasn't as if you'd not spoken to each other because you would text and facetime as often as possible but a relationship through the screen of a phone was no comparison to having him physically with you, feeling warmth from being wrapped in his arms under the covers, being able to stretch out when you woke up and feel his warm body beckoning you in to cuddle, hearing his echoing, deep laugh that always made you feel whole and loved despite whatever mood you were in..

You woke up in a rush, dashing about between your bedroom and bathroom to get yourself ready, almost screaming at yourself as you tried to get dressed. Attempting winged eyeliner in a rush was no easy feat and your hand would knock just so slightly every time meaning the eyeliner was completely ruined and it would just contribute further to the growing frustration. However, despite everything you still managed to get yourself out of the door and into the back of a cab in time, it was now 9:06am and Calum's flight was due to land at 9:40 which gave you a solid half an hour to get there.

You could not sit still in the back of the cab and even the soft sound of Melanie Martinez playing through your headphones couldn't soothe the excitement and anticipation, you hadn't even noticed that you'd begun to pick at your cuticles which was a bad habit of yours.

Strangely, the airport was relatively empty which made for a pleasant change, fans obviously weren't aware that Calum had taken an earlier flight than the others and although you did have a lot of love and respect for the majority of fans, it wasn't a loss that you wouldn't have to deal with a couple of rude people who wanted nothing more than a selfie with your boyfriend which always confused you. Calum is your idol yet all you want is a selfie? Not a conversation or a chance to say thanks just a meaningless selfie that would be blasted over their various social media accounts but they'd had no real interaction with him.

You stood impatiently against the barrier as you waited for the flight to land and time seemed to disgustingly drag at a medieval pace. Eventually though, the time came around and you heard his voice before you saw him.

"Y/N!" A loud and deep voice shouted out through a set of double doors and a second later Calum burst through, pulling a suitcase in one hand and carrying a bouquet of sunflowers, your favourite flower, and a small purple teddy bear. You didn't even hesitate for a second as you ran toward him, he dropped everything except the sunflowers and braced for your impact as you collided with him, jumping and wrapping your legs around his firm waist as his arms found there way around you and he buried his face into your neck. You could feel he was smiling and being pressed against his chest so tightly you were sure he could feel your heart thumping as you fought the urge to cry at being so insanely happy to see him. "God I've missed this." He inhaled as you embroidered a hand in his thick locks that felt silky soft and smelled strangely like pineapple.

"I'm never getting down by the way." You smiled as you clung onto him tightly and he ran his hands up and down the length of your back in a way that was both arousing and adorable.

"Don't worry, I'm never letting you get down." After what seemed like a very long time, your legs were feeling a little cramped so you had to jump down. "Wow, that was the best hug you've ever given." Calum remarked as he took his hand in your own.

"Well, I've been practising. Wait. No. That sounds weird. I've been practising on myself, a lot of long, lonely nights, gotta keep myself warm somehow." You shrugged, clearly not realising the implications and innuendos that were peppered over your words.

"Oh really? Sounds hot!" Calum winked and your cheeks turned shock red as you caught on to what you had implied.

"Not like that! Jeez!" You spluttered.

"I've really missed you ya know." Calum smiled, squeezing your hand just a little tighter as you made your way out of the airport.

"I guess I've missed you too.." You joked about but a tiny flicker of hurt crossed his face. "Cal, I was kidding." You reassured him, leaning into his chest as you tried to manoeuvre yourselves into a cab whilst still holding hands. Just as you were about to climb in Calum pulled you back quickly, pushing your body against the cab door and leaning close enough into you that could smell the faint aroma of mint on his breathe and the change in his facial expression got your pulse erratic.

"Oh baby, when we get in you are so going to regret joking about with me." He said, his voice dark and seductive and his eyes clouded with an aura of dominance.

You were suddenly incredibly excited to get home...

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