t w e n t y f o u r

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The drive back home was silent. Thought it wasn't a comfortable silence like I have with Brad sometimes, but an extremely awkward silence.

"So.. What were you going to do about it?" Asked Izzy, keeping her eyes averted to the road ahead of us.

"I.. Er... I don't know. I'm keeping it, thats probably the only thing I'm 100% sure of just now" I replied, looking out of the window at the buildings that were flashing past the window while we drove past them all.

"That I know, but what are you going to do about the whole Brad thing? You do realise, you need to tell him" muttered Izzy, as she pulled up outside my house. Neither of us stepped out the car though, we just stayed put.

"I have no idea. I need to think of something though. And I'm not saying that I won't let him see the baby, of course he can see it! He can come and see it whenever he wants. Its just that the pregnancy will cause a lot of drama with the paps and fans etc, I can't put him through all the trouble. I know it sounds bad, and I probably seem like a bitch. And you probably don't understand what I mean but I really love him and I know that this baby will cause loads of problems for him and the band. They have already achieved so much, I don't want their career going downhill because of a baby" I mumbled, unable to look at Izzy.

"I think I understand what you mean.." Said Izzy, which completely shocked me because I expected her to strongly disagree.

"You do?" I exclaimed, looking up at her.

She just nodded and spread her arms out to then pull me into a warm and reassuring hug.

"C'mon lets go inside, we can bake a cake or something. I don't know! Lets just get our mind off this for now" chuckled Izzy, gesturing for us to leave the car and walk into the house.


"TAKE THE CUPCAKES OUT NOW OR THEY'LL BURN!" I screamed from the bathroom to Izzy who was probably on twitter or something.

Once I had finished using the toilet and washed my hand etc, I walked back downstairs where Izzy had the cakes out of the oven and on a plate. She was actually in the middle of making some kind of pink icing instead of being busy using her phone like I expected.

I helped her finish the icing, as she got out spoons to ice the cupcakes which had now cooled down a bit.

Everything was going nice and smooth until the boys ran in. Tristan and Connor ran straight to us and of course grabbed a cupcake each, dipped it in icing and shoved it in their mouths, James walked straight over to Izzy and pecked her on the lips and they started talking. I couldn't see Brad though.

"Guys, wheres Brad?" I asked them. Instead of replying, they just smirked.

All of a sudden I felt a pair of familiar, strong arms, snake their way around my waist. I turned my head to the side to look at who I hoped was Brad and I was greeted by a soft, tender kiss from him.

I turned around, and wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued kissing passionately. I felt it getting a bit too heated, and there was no doubt that within a few seconds I would hear..




"GET A ROOM!!!" Shouted Tristan, just like I expected. It turned out that everyone was looking at us and chuckling.

"Fine" I replied, grabbing Brad's hand which he held back eagerly and followed me out of the living room (where everyone was staring at us wide eyed and surprised that I actually listened to what Tris said). Brad's face looked very hopeful, its shame I wasn't actually going to have sex with him in another room while our best friends were sitting in the living room, down the corridor. Idiot.

As soon as we were at the bottom of the stairs, I stopped. Brad looked at me with a very confused expression.

"I thought we were gonna go 'get a room'?" Hissed Brad (so they didn't really hear him, it wasn't exactly a whisper though) with a smirk on his face.

"Did you honestly think that I was going to have sex with you with all of our friends downstairs? I was just trying to have a joke with them you horny boy! You actually believed it didn't you" I exclaimed, accidentally laughing out loud.

"Yes! I did believe it! I'll let it slip this time but you owe me!" He replied, chuckling, as he took hold of my hand and we walked back into the living room where they were all still sitting quite shocked with what just happened. It took me a few seconds to realise they hadn't noticed us come back in yet.

"You guys are so gullible its actually unbelievable! And yes Im also talking to you Simpson!!" I shrieked, taking them by surprise. They just shook their head while I was laughing at them all.


"I SUGGEST WE ORDER NANDOS AND WATCH FROZEN!" Shouted James all of a sudden, making me chuckle. James? Frozen? I mean, Nandos was understandable and all, but Frozen? I didn't care though because it was one of my favourite Disney movies so I agreed, along with everyone else in the room.

James, wrote down all of our orders on a piece of scrap paper, and walked into the kitchen to make the phone call. While he was on the phone to Nandos, we set up a huge, and very comfortable bed thing to fit us all. It was made out of couch cushions, duvets, blankets from upstairs and random pillows that I found lying around in the spare room. We probably looked like little children but it didn't bother us in the slightest. In fact, we were actually really enjoying ourselves and it took my mind off this whole pregnancy thing.

Eventually, we were all sitting/lying down in our bed type thing, eating Nandos and the film was starting. I was cuddled up to Brad who was totally focused on the movie. I looked up at him and I couldn't help but admire his facial features from this perspective. His eyebrows were furrowed as he was concentrating on the movie, his chocolatey orbs were shining as always, his cheekbones were standing out so much and his jawline was perfect. But then he caught me staring and I felt myself blush immediately so I buried my head into his chest.

"Stop admiring my beauty and concentrate on the movie you weirdo" he whispered into my ear, whilst giggling quietly. Yes. Giggling.

So I did what he said and I looked towards the TV and tried to pay attention to the movie.

It was at the scene when Elsa and Anna were toddlers, and it reminded me of my pregnancy. Straight away, I felt myself tense up, and I just hoped to God that Brad hadn't noticed or there would be some explaining to do.

"I'll be back in a minute guys, I er.. I need to go to the toilet" I mumbled, getting up and walking out the living room. Unfortunately Brad followed me.

"Hey Sav, are you alright? You tensed up and you seemed distracted and uncomfortable" said Brad, looking me in the eyes, before pulling me into his arms.

"Yeah.. I just felt sick. I-It must have been the er.. Chicken" I muttered quickly. Great excuse, sickening chicken. Very clever.

Luckily Brad didn't push it any further.

"Oh.. Do you need anything? Maybe a glass of water?" He asked, still holding me in his strong arms.

"I'll be fine baby, don't worry. I love you" I replied, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too baby, you have no idea how lucky I am to have you" he exclaimed, before our lips locked into a passionate kiss.


Hey guys, I've had quite a bit of homework lately so I tried my hardest to update when I could, which didn't really work hahaha.

If you have any suggestions then please comment and I will read them and take them under account.

P.S. The pictures just random but its hot so yeahhh

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