f o u r t e e n

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(Brad's POV)

As I seen Savannah fall I started to run as fast as I could to try and catch her but I was too late. She hit the ground so violently that I actually heard her hit the ground. It was horrible.

I shook her and shouted her name but she was unconscious. I checked for a pulse, and I could feel one, it was too faint but I was too drunk and scared to check the right place anyway.

I screamed for help but nobody was around so I got my phone and tried to dial 999. It was quite difficult, considering the fact that my hands were trembling and tears were quickly finding their way out my eyes and down my cheeks. But eventually I managed it.

"Please help me! She needs help!" I screamed down the telephone line.

"Which emergency service do you require sir?" Asked the lady. How the hell could she be do calm?! Oh wait, she didn't know...

"Ambulance! Please be quick!"

Suddenly a man started talking to the phone line.

"What is your emergency and where are you right now?"

"My girlfriend! She's unconscious on the pavement, she tripped please help her! We are in some park not far away from club Aquum! Please hurry her pulse is weak!"

"We'll be there as quick as we possibly can sir. Make sure to check her pulse every few seconds"

The call ended and I made sure to do what the man said, I couldn't lose her. Not now, I love her too much to let her go...

(Savannah's POV)

I woke up to find myself in a strangely uncomfortable bed and a blinding light was shining into my eyes.

Once my eyes were adjusted to the bright light, I looked around the room. I was in a hospital and my ankle was aching so bad.

Suddenly Brad walked into the room with a sad expression on his face but as soon as he seen that I was awake, his face lightened up.

"Savannah, you're awake!" He said as he sat down on the chair beside my bed. He tried to kiss me but I edged away.

"Where are the boys and Izzy? Do they know I'm here?" I asked. I would have kissed him back if I hadn't just remembered why I was running away in the first place.

He awkwardly sat down, and said "er yeah, I've called them. They should be here soon".

"Okay. Wake me up when they're here. I'm tired.." I replied dryly. The events of last night were flashing through my mind, and it left me with so much questions.

"Why did you do it Brad?" I asked, as I looked into the distance, my eyes were getting watery.

"I don't know... I was drunk. Then for some reason I er.. I thought she was you.." He replied, scratching the back of his neck while his head was facing the floor.

"You thought it was me?! You thought Claire was me?! What the fuck Brad!" I exclaimed, my voice was raised and I was quite angry. Why did he think I would fall for such a stupid excuse?

"Yes I thought it was you! I don't know why, I was so fucking drunk that I seen double of everything!" He replied, his voice was raised too, as was his head. He was now looking at me.

"Well you shouldn't have gotten that drunk should you?!"

"You were equally drunk so don't start Sav!"

"You know what? I give up! We've only been together for two weeks and this is how it ends?! Well, maybe we were better off alone!" I shouted, immediately regretting it as I noticed the hurt in his eyes.

He didn't say anything. He just walked out, leaving me alone in the room. Crying.

I wasn't alone for long though, soon James, Connor, Tris, Izzy, Lucy and Claire walked in.

"Sav what's wrong? We just seen Brad leave the hospital crying"

"What happened to you anyway?"

"Are you okay?"

"Why are you here?"

They bombarded me with a load of questions. I didn't know which of them to answer first.

"Brad cheated on me" I said emotionlessly.

When I said that, I could see the anger build up in Tristan. The others looked upset too but me and Tris had this bond. He was like a brother to me, no wonder he got angrier than the others.

"What? Why? How does that link with you being here?" Izzy asked, worriedly. She was sitting beside me holding my hand and wiping away my tears.

"I decided to go out to the back of the club last night to get some fresh air, and I found him there kissing.." I was going to say Claire but I decided against it. For now. "... Some girl. I just ran away. I didn't want to look at him. Then I tripped and fell and everything blacked out and now I'm here. My ankles quite sore but I think I'm fine".

"What the fuck?!" Shouted Tristan, even angrier than before.

"Tristan please don't do anything stupid! I know I'm upset with him at the moment but I love him, I really do! I can't lose him" I exclaimed, trying to calm down Tris. Luckily it worked.

"I won't do anything just now but he needs to watch out! One more wrong move and I'll make sure he never goes near you again" He said, taking my other hand.

(Brad's POV)

When she said those words, "maybe we were better off alone" I didn't know what to say or do. It felt as if she just ripped my heart out and threw it away somewhere where I can't find it.

I stood up, left the room and tried my best to hurry out the hospital. I was crying and people were staring at me but I didn't care.

I walked past the boys, Izzy, Lucy and her on my way out the hospital. I just walked straight on and didn't stop.

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