t w e n t y t w o

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Izzy and I shoved our shoes and jackets on and we headed towards her car. She drove pretty fast if I'm to be honest, I don't know why though. I mean yeah I'm 19. Yeah I could be pregnant. Yeah thats really bad. But still...

Once we arrived in the store we practically jogged towards the unit with pregnancy tests, condoms etc and started looking around wondering which one to choose.

"Which one do we take?" I asked, looking at Izzy as if she knows.

"I don't know? Take one that looks trust worthy" she replied, taking turns looking at me and the shelf full of pregnancy tests.

"AND HOW DO I KNOW IF THEIR TRUST WORTHY, GENIUS?!" I exclaimed, both of us were angry but laughing at the same time.

"Just take this one, its most expensive so it must be good I guess" mumbled Izzy, grabbing one of the shelf and pulling me towards the till.

Once we had paid and got back to the car, Izzy started driving back. I just held the pregnancy test in my hand, looking down at the box in horror, unable to concentrate on a single word Izzy was saying.

Before I knew it I was being dragged into my house, and pushed into the bathroom with the box in my hand.

I slowly took it out the box and read the instructions. I was really frightened but I followed the instructions step by step and did what it told me to do. When I had finished, I walked back into my bedroom where Izzy was waiting, whilst holding the stick in my hand.

"We're to wait 5 minutes" I muttered, sitting beside her, as we both began to look down at the stick together.

"Turn it over and we'll look in 5 minutes, until then we can talk. How did it happen?" Asked Izzy, with a hint of sympathy in her voice as if she felt sorry for me.

I did what Izzy said and I turned it over. "Look Izzy, I really don't know. I wish I could explain but I can't! We used protection, and for all I know, it was fine so I don't know whats wrong with me" I replied, on the verge of tears.

"I know Sav, I know your not that stupid to be going about having sex without protection but what's going to happen?" She asked, looking at me.

"I don't know. I just really really hate this stick right now. I mean, right now, my future lies in its hands (metaphorically, obviously it doesn't have hands hahahah). Its just the fact that a small piece of plastic can change everything! Everything! In just a few minutes, I will find out whether I have a small human inside of me! Do you have any idea how that feels?! I'm 19! I want to go to college, university! I want to get a job! But I don't know if I ever will be able to have the future I want because I'll have to look after a mini Savannah or a mini Brad (a mini Brad would be the second most adorable thing ever, right after Brad of course)!" I exclaimed, finally letting the tears spill out onto my cheeks and down my face.

"I have no idea how it feels, and I don't know how to help you but I do know that you and Brad are strong and you'll get through this together" said Izzy, hugging me.

"No" Was all I said. She pulled away and looked at me in a strange, quizzical way.

"What do you mean?"

"No. We won't get through this together. If I'm pregnant I can't tell him and I'm not planning to. We're too young, he's got a huge career ahead of him. He has a huge fanbase. They will go mental if they find out and I know for a fact they will find out some how! I can't put him through that"

"If you're pregnant then he will be the father of your child! You can't not tell him Savannah! He needs to know! How would you keep it from him anyway?! There's no way you can keep a baby a secret from its father, you can't just let him go through life not knowing he has a child with you Savannah!!"

I didn't reply, I just stared back down at the stick.

"What?" Asked Izzy, following my gaze to the pregnancy test in front of me.

"Its been five minutes Izzy" I stated, not showing any emotion at all, considering the fact that I didn't know what emotion to feel anyway.

"Turn it over then, ready?



1.." She said, as I turned it over and we both looked down at the plastic stick in my hand.



"I'm pregnant" I said, as I started sobbing and I dropped the test onto the floor.

So she's pregnant, yeah...

Sorry if this was short and rubbish, I wanted to finish it where she finds out she's pregnant.

By the way, the picture for this chapter is random because I didn't know what to put there:)

Please follow VampsWrites xx

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