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I followed on downstairs a few minutes later. I had to give myself a few minutes alone to think through what just happened. Brad asked me on a date...

"Hey, you two alright?" Asked Connor as I walked in. He knew the answer because I had a ridiculously huge smile on my face, he just wanted to hear it.

"Yeah, everything's just fine" I replied, sitting on the sofa beside Izzy. I gestured to her that we needed to talk at the latest opportunity.

"I'm glad you sorted things out, he would never stop worrying and talking about you" replied Tris, which resulted in Brad's face going very pink, and us all laughing.

"Oh, forgot to mention, me and Savannah aren't joining you guys for dinner if thats okay, sorry Ms Wilson, there will probably be left overs seeing as we all made loads" said Brad, quickly smiling at me and I returned the gesture.

"Its okay love, and I already told you! Call me Lynn!" Exclaimed my mum, making everyone laugh.

"Okay Lynn, sorry Lynn" replied Brad quickly, which had us all in hysterics.

"That's more like it" said my mum, smiling as she finished making the huge pan of pasta.

"Dinner's ready!" called out James, who was laying the table with Tris.

"I'll go get ready then" I said, as I got up to go upstairs.

"Me too, I'm going next door, be back in 45 minutes tops" I heard from Brad, when I was half way up the stairs. Followed by the sound of our front door opening and closing.

I then had to face the problem of what to wear. Brad did say wear something dressy, but I still didn't know what to wear.

I ended up standing beside my open wardrobe for 15 minutes, staring at my clothes until Izzy walked in after her dinner.

"The boys are helping with the dishes so I decided to come and help you get ready for your date, and while your getting ready, you can tell me what you had to tell me earlier" said Izzy, as she sat on my bed. I noticed she said date, when I hadn't told her but I guess it was pretty obvious so I just dropped it.

"Thanks, and yeah. I was going to tell you something about my date with Luke..." I replied, sitting beside her.

"You didn't kiss did you?!"

"Off course not! Though I might have accidentally called him Brad.." I mumbled.


"I didn't mean it... It just slipped out. Maybe you were right about Lucas, he does look like Brad a little bit, though Lucas isn't half as good looking"

"Did he know who Brad was?"

"No, he just looked confused"

"Then we're good. Now chop chop, I'm getting you ready and we'll see if you like it in the end! Dress code?"

"Sorta fancy, dressy kinda thing. That's what Brad said anyway"

"Well sit on that chair and let me work my magic" said Izzy. To which I got up and sat on a chair on the other side of the room.

Exactly 25 minutes later (wow, that was quick), Izzy finally let me look in the mirror. When I looked at my reflection I was quite shocked. It didn't really look like me... The reflection looked pretty.

I was wearing a nice peachy coloured strapless, flowy (not tight) dress, a black leather jacket, black wedged sandals, and a small cream shoulder satchel/bag. It wasn't too formal but it was quite dressy.

My dark brown hair was wavy, not too curly but not straight. For my makeup I had my daily foundation routine, nude eyeshadows, a black line of eyeliner with a flick on the end, obviously mascara and peach coloured lipstick. Izzy also sprayed me with one of her many perfumes in her over night bag. I didn't know what it was, but it smelt amazing.

Just under five minutes later I heard a knock on the door. Somebody let Brad in, as Izzy said "Good luck" and I left to go downstairs.

The lower down the stairs I got, the better I could make out what Brad was wearing.

He was wearing his usual black skinny jeans, a maroon shirt that was unbuttoned so you could see his toned chest and his favourite black leather jacket. He also had his many bracelets on his wrist. His hair was styled so that it looked fluffy, almost natural but flawless.

"Hey" I said, giving him a tight hug. He returned it, he always gave the best hugs.

"Hey, you look beautiful" said Brad, eyeing me up and down.

"You don't look too bad yourself" I joked, as everyone started moaning at us and telling us to leave. So we were basically shooed out my own house, lovely. Thats my best friends and mum for you right there.

"So.. Would you care to tell me where we are going?" I asked as we stood on the path outside my house.

"Well right now, we are waiting for a taxi because as you may know, my car is in America" replied Brad, taking hold of my hand and squeezing it.

"Yeah I know but where is the taxi taking us?" I exclaimed, getting curious.

"Somewhere nice. Lets just say, it will be a great night"

The picture at the start is Savannah's outfit for the date xx

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