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(Brad's POV)

I was extremely nervous though I tried my best not to show it. It was my first day back and we were on our first date already. To be honest, I wish I had done this much longer ago. If I done it a month before we left and we were together, I could have still went to America without causing any girlfriend drama. I just need this date to be perfect, then we will see how things go.

Finally the taxi driver arrived. I sat in the back with Savannah so she didn't have to sit alone. I didn't have to tell the taxi driver where we were going because I told him over the phone. That way Savannah wouldn't find out just yet.

"Thats us here. That will be £12.50 please" said the driver. I gave him £15 pound and left the taxi without change, holding Savannah's hand.

"Brad, how the hell are we going to pay for this place? Its like one of the most expensive restaurants in London. Are you sure we have the right address?" said Savannah as she looked at me, gobsmacked.

"No, this is the right place" I replied, with a grin on my face. Hopefully she liked it.

We walked in, holding hands as I gave the waiter my name. He took us to the best table at the window which I booked earlier that day. We sat down and started looking through the menu which was left for us on the table.

"Do you like it here? Because if you don't we could just ditch this place, get a nandos and sit in the park if you want" I said quickly, looking up at her.

"Lets stay here. I think its lovely" Sav replied, looking back at me.

"Thats okay then, I was starting to worry it was too fancy" I admitted to her.

Just then, the waiter came up to our table. "Are you ready to order sir? Madame?" he said, holding a little notepad and pen out in front of him.

"Yes, I think we are" I replied, trying to sound as mature as possible.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked.

"Your best champagne. A full bottle and two glasses please, oh and make sure its cold as well please" I said.

"Yes off course. And to eat?" he said, quickly writing our drink order in his notebook.

"I'll have the spaghetti bolognese please" said Savannah quietly, but loud enough for the waiter to hear.

"Same for me please" I said, as the waiter wrote it down, took our menus and walked off towards the kitchen.

As soon as he was in the kitchen, me and Sav burst out laughing. We were a bit too loud, because a few people started staring at us, giving us the death glare.

"Sir" said Sav, imitating the waiter's posh accent.

"Madame" I said, doing the same. And yet again we started laughing.

Once we had calmed down, I took Savannah's hand which was on the table and held it.

"I've missed you..." I said, looking across at her.

"I've missed you too.. Alot. More than you think" she replied, looking back at me, her eyes were beautiful. Though she didn't need make up. We used to have our own days in, watching movies in our pyjamas and she would never wear make up. She looked perfect without it.

"You have no idea how much it hurt me when Izzy told me everything. I wish I stayed here with you, I really do. It was so weird without you in New York.."

"It was weird without you too.. I had Izzy, and I love her but it wasn't the same without you or the boys.. I'm glad you're back"

"Me too" I replied, just as the same waiter, came up with our food and drinks on a tray.

After we finished our food, drank some of our champagne and I paid, we decided to go for a walk in a park nearby the restaurant. We didn't drink enough champagne to make us drunk or tipsy, we only had about two glasses each.

"So how was New York?" ask Sav, looking up at me. I had my arm around her shoulders as we walked into the park. There was nearly nobody there, just an old married couple with a small dog.

"It was great, we have a new single called 'Can We Dance' and we are planning to produce the music video here in England when Joe and the rest join us and we've all settled down, I got my drivers licence, I got a car and thats pretty much it" I replied. We were now strolling past the park pond, the moon was shining on her face making her facial features stand out so much, making her look even more beautiful than usual if that was even possible.

"Hope you didn't have too much fun without me" joked Sav, as she giggled sweetly.

"No, I didn't to be completely honest with you. I mean, I had fun with the boys but I missed our nights in together and our nights out too" I replied truthfully.

"You know, this has been the best night I've had in months"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Sav, I like seeing you smile"

Savannah then blushed which was one of the cutest things I had ever seen.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure" she replied.

"Can we dance?" I said, grinning as she started laughing.

"You can't be serious! In a park? At night? With no music? And with you? Also, you just quoted your own song"

"Oh shut up, and I have my ear phones. I'll put a song on my phone, and we'll have one earphone each" I offered.

"You are so cheesy, but fine! Only because I've missed you" agreed Sav, to which I gave her an earphone in which a song had already started.

"Brad... What is this? Its amazing" she said, which made me smile.

"Its our new song 'Wildheart'. Its not out yet, we are waiting a bit first" I replied, offering her my hand which she took.

"Your voice is absolutely amazing Brad. I know I've told you a billion times before but it really is.."

"Why, thank you" I said which made her laugh.

All you could hear after that was us in hysterics as we danced about in the park like we used to. Well, we never used to dance in a park, it was in her living room but still, just a change of scenery.

I started twirling her around and near the end of the song, I lifted her up and wrapped her legs around me. I made sure to keep my hands under her legs at all times so she wouldn't fall.

Then the song finished and we were looking into each others eyes. Not really laughing anymore, Sav then began to lean in and I did the same.

Then our lips touched and it was like fireworks going off inside me. It was the same feeling I had the first time we kissed before I left to New York.

She started playing and tugging with my curls at the back of my head as the kiss deepened.

She then pulled away and mumbled "You have no idea, how long I've wanted to do that again" .

I didn't say anything, I just kissed her.

A few minutes passed, and this time I pulled away. "Savannah?" I said.

"Yes Brad?" She mumbled, our eyes still locked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Of course I will" she replied, kissing me again.

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