The Nomu

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-Izukus' POV-
It's fine he's probably exaggerating. I am helping Kaminari fighting some villains and he goes dumb. I stop paying attention for a second to heal him and the Nomu grabs me. No no no no no. "Deku get your butt back here." You're right Kachan I'm going this way of my own free will. That's what I would have said I'd I wasn't screaming my lungs out.

I'm going to die there is no way I can beat this thing. The Nomu looks like it's about to punch me in the face but it stops when someone screams out. "No! stop Nomu! You can't kill that one! His father wants him alive!" What. I turn my head in the direction of the speaker. It was the hand guy with light blue hair. He said my father wants me. These people work with All For One.

I can't lose this. Father will take my quirk. "Come on Midorya you can do this." No. I can't. I'm not strong enough. Kachan comes running to me to tries and save me but the Nomu punches him so hard he hits the ground. "Kachan!" No no no no no. He can't get hurt because of me. Not again. He starts to move. He's not unconcious. He doesn't look too good though.

Only one thing is running through my mind now and let me tell you that Nomu just fucked up. 'I am going to beat the shit out of him.' he hurt my mate. He crossed the fucking line.

I start releasing really dominant/angry pheromones and every member of the secret squad decide instead of trying to come and help me they would get the rest of my classmates out of the way so they don't get hurt. Aizawa of course is helping them.

-kinda graphic?-
(Sorry I suck at fight scenes)
I break out of the Nomus hold on me. His hand was completely obliterated but it starts to grow back. I punch him in the face a few times and he punches me. Now he's just making it worse. I'm not angry he punched me. I'm angry because that kinda hurt and he hit Kachan even harder. I heal myself and start walking back to where the Nomu is.

I get about five feet away from him and jump. I kick the Nomu from behind and land on its back.  I walk forward closer to it's head and I punch out really hard at the part of its head where its brain is exposed. It screams.

Handy guy orders the warp guy to get everyone out of here and the Nomu disappears from underneath me. That's not fucking fair. I'm about ten seconds away from going after that monster and beating the shit out of it some more but a hand rests itself on my shoulder. I'm still really mad so, in a deep and and aggressive voice I say "go away" the hand doesn't move. "Izu it's ok."

Kachan. I spin around and it's Kachan. I hug him probably a little too tight but he didn't complain. Then I remember he got hurt. I pull back and start examining him. He isn't injured. Not at all. He seems to notice my confusion. "Iida got back with the heroes, recovery Girl healed me up good as new."

I look behind him to see all the heroes and the rest of the class. I'm a little confused as to why all of them are all the way over there but Kachan answers that question too. "You were releasing some really angry pheromones so they thought it would be better if they all stayed over there while I talked to you."

I nod. Whilst it does make sense I am kinda mad that the teachers just sent Kachan over here by himself. Though I know I would never hurt him only two of the teachers actually know about my reasons behind that. (Aizawa and President mic) He could have gotten seriously hurt.

-katsukis' POV-
Oh thank God he's ok. I know he's strong and everything but he didn't even use his quirk. Besides his healing one. He could have died. I look down. He looks really cute when he's mad, his cheeks are all puffed out and I can tell he's trying to glare but it looks like he's pouting. It's adorable. I chuckle and he looks up at me. He smiles one of those smile's that could rival the sun with its brightness. I hug him back lean down to his ear "Hey Izu do you want to get us out of here?"

He nods. He teleports me and him over to the rest of the group and we tell them we're going to go to my house because Izus tired. The rest of the class goes back to UA and waits for their parents to come pick them up. School had been cancelled for the rest of the week even though it's only a Tuesday.

Izuku could have teleported us inside but he didn't want the alarm to go off so he teleported us to the front door. I unlock the door and we head in. We don't worry about the noise because both my parents are at work. It's just the two of us. I smirk looking towards my omega. This is going to be fun.

First off I know I said I would try to update more often but I had 5 assessments due in 72 hours of getting back to school so I was swamped. Secondly I believe you all know where the next chapter is going so viewer discretion is recommended. Other than that thankyou all so much for being so patient. Bye guys love you😊😊😊

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