oh shit

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Hey guys I just thought I should point out his much this book has changed me to the point where I used to apologise for swearing and now I'm swearing in the title. From literally not knowing the difference between fluff and smut to writing that chapter I did a couple chapters ago. Like wow.

-Bakugos' POV-
-while Kaminari and Kirishima are doing their thing-
I can't believe I was paired with gravity bitch. Why the fuck would Aizawa do that! Izu can tell I'm stressed and mad and grabs my arm pulling me back to his dorm. We get in and he pulls me over to his bed. We cuddle for a bit, he lets his scent fill the room and that calms me down a bit. After about 10 minutes. I pull him closer to me. And we start to make out.

Before it can get further there's a knock on the door. I groan. Of fucking course. It's duce face and shitty hair. I have to say they are definately the least annoying extras in our class. They're asking Deku about his birthday. I know there's more to the story. I'll ask them later.

Then he tells them how old I am and I hear shitty hair say if he asked I would probably kill him. "Damn right I would." Shitty extras. They finally leave and Izu comes back. I kiss his neck making sure to leave a couple hickeys so that everyone knows he's mine. His soft moans and sweet smell fill the room. I have never been more thankful that everyone's dorms are sound proof and scent proof.

I stop. I know if I go any further I won't be able to stop and we can't do this now. We both have to work on our projects. Shitty half n half. He better not try anything.

Deku seems to understand and he walks me to the door. "Hey do you mind once we've done some work on our projects if I come and sleep in your dorm." I smile gently and give him a small peck on the lips. "Of course" he giggles and I walk away towards the kitchen while he's heading to stupid half n halfs' dorm room. I have to find gravity bitch and figure out who's doing what so we don't have to see each other again.

I get something to eat and head to the living room. I see Kaminari, Kirishima, Jiro and Momo talking. I figured I might as well figure out what the birthday thing was about. "Hey shitty hair, dunce face." They turn to look at me. "What the hell was that birthday shit about. And don't you extras even think about lying to me!" The two of them look scared while Momo and Jiro look confused.

Shitty hair sighs and motions for me to come and sit down with the group. I honestly just want to know so I comply. He starts whispering.

"Well we noticed in class that todoroki was staring at deku so we went to ask him about it and-" "that shitty fucking peppermint was doing what!" "Calm down Bakugo let him finish" of fucking course headphones would say something.

"Well we went to ask him about it and he said that it was nothing. He said that Midorya had a mate and unless he was in his heat that couldn't change. So. Just to be safe we thought we would ask Deku but we didn't want to worry him so we figured if he was still fourteen all we had to do was ask when his birthday was."

Oh that actually makes sense. Not that it really matters he has his heat when he wants to. You can't force someone to go into heat.

"Are you guys idiots!" Why is Momo complaining. "You guys know that they just developed a pill that can put an omega into heat early even if it's their first one!" What. She continues "please tell me you didn't leave him alone with todoroki."

That's where he was headed.

Oh shit!

Hey guys just a warning the next chapter will be what happened on Izukus side. Please skip it if rape is a trigger for you I'll try not to go into to much detail but if you it makes you uncomfortable skip it.

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