Home sweet home

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Dad is yelling at me the whole car ride. He keeps saying how he hates me. How is my fault my mum died. How I'm weak and that's all I'll ever be. How the only reason they have me a spot in the class was because they pittied me. How I was a pathetic omega. How I was a mistake. How I would never become a hero. How I was wrong because I like Kachan. How I should just kill myself because all I'm doing is causing trouble for everyone around me.

He's right, everything is all my fault. I'm a mistake. I never should have been born.

When we get home (the one next to Kachans house they did actually move it wasn't a lie.) he opens my door grabs me by then neck and yanks me all the way to the front door. When we get inside he lets go to lock the door so I can't escape. I'm in the floor gaping for air for a good few minutes but when I look up I can see a boot rushing in my direction.

I quickly cover my head but the boot makes contact with my stomach. I hit the wall and all the air I had managed to regain leaves me. He goes and gets a knife from the kitchen "You want to know something" my dad starts talking as he walks towards me.

"No-one cares about you." He makes a slash on my chest. "Everyone knows your weak." Another slash. "Even your precious Kachan." Slash. "Do you know what Deku means?" Slash. "It means useless." Slash. "Weak." Slash. "It means to can't do anything." This last time he doesn't cut me. He stabs me in the shoulder. I scream in pain although I'm pretty sure that's all I've been doing for the past ten minutes.
"Go get yourself cleaned up and then you can fix this mess you made on the floor. After that you can make me some food I'm hungry. However you can't eat. You don't deserve food."

I do as he says and bandage my chest. Looking at myself in the mirror I start to cry. I'm a mistake. Worthless. Pathetic. A looser. A deku. That last one hurts the most is that what Kachan really thinks. I can't do it. I search the bathroom draws until I find one. A razor blade. I deserve this.
1 cut...
2 cuts...
5 cuts...
10 cuts...
21 cuts...
39 cuts...
I run out of space on my arms so I have to stop. I wash the blood and wrap my arms in a bandages. Then I had down stairs to clean and make dad his food.

-the next morning-
I wake up and everything is sore. I didn't make sirs dinner to his satisfaction so I got another 'lesson' as he likes to call it. Last night sir have me a list of all the rules so maybe if I follow the rules he won't hurt me. I get dressed in my uniform but it makes my entire upper body sting after I messed up on his dinner he decided my chest was good for now so he would attack my arms and legs. It hurts to walk.

Thankfully the school uniform is long sleeved. I know the sport uniform isn't though so I'm going to bring a undershirt so no-one can see my scars. Luckily sir didn't cut my face so no-one would be suspicious of what he's doing.

I walk down stairs and I'm so hungry. I didn't eat at all yesterday. When I get down there I see that dad is already up I try to sneak into the kitchen so I can get something to eat but sir sees me. "What the hell do you think your doing brat" he punches me in the stomach. "I-i was j-just getting some food f-for school." " I suppose it would be suspicious of you didn't eat at school. Here but that is all your getting for the rest of the day." He says this handing me a single apple. I start to walk towards the door when I get pouched in the back. "I was generous enough to give you good and you don't even day thankyou." Oh no. "T-thanky-you s-sir" and I leave.

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