How it all began

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Izuku was three years old and was at the park with his mother when a villain attacked and grabbed his mother as a hostage. Heroes soon arrived and began trying to negotiate with the villain. Izuku started crying because of all the yelling and a hero noticed he was there.

"Hey kiddo is that your Mummy?" All he could manage was a couple of sniffles and a nod of the head. The hero then picked him up. Unfortunately the villain noticed this exchange. "Well I'm going to prison anyway might as well change some lives before I get there." What followed was to gruesome for words. All the heroes gasped as Inko Midoryas lifeless body hit the ground.

Izuku started squirming and the hero who somehow managed to block his eyes let him down.(he was probably to shocked to do anything else) izuku ran over to his mum's body and started crying when she wouldn't wake up. A different hero walked up to him and told him that his mum wasn't going to wake up and took him back home to his dad. While they explained what happened to Izukus mother Izuku played or more rather was being comforted by Bakugo.

Bakugo and Midorya have always had a really strong connection. They have known each other since the were in diapers and always got along. In fact they both had nicknames for each other. Bakugo being called Kachan and Midorya being called Deku. It's not just nicknames either both of their first words happen to be those nicknames. (Hey author get back to the story already) Right.

Deku was currently crying his little heart out in Kachans arms. Once the hero finished explaining to Dekus' father what had happened his father grabbed Deku and pulled him out the door and back to their house. (They lived next door to the Bakugos') when they got home Hisashi threw Midorya on the floor and slammed the door shut. He started telling at him how it was all his fault his mother died and how he is a pathetic worthless little brat. Deku was then sent to his room without dinner for the night even though it was only 4 óclock and he hadn't even had lunch.

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