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Devin stood still as magic burned all around him, blue giants and sand monsters had fought, armies and explosions rocked the entirety of the chosen battlefield, he knew this was a battle he couldn't easily win, but his name wasn't derived from just anything.

"Camilla, you have guts challenging me." Devin taunted the girl in front of him as she wasn't tangible floating in the air. "It's not guts Devin, it's pure strength, the power to be able to put you down." She responded making Devin snicker.

"Funny, you're really funny dear." The two faction leaders of different schools became silent as magic and power manifested around them, Devin rose from the ground as his body changed.

An axe made from the shadow element appeared around him, it was a beautiful black axe with a sharpened edge, his clothes changed to armor and his eyes turned completely white, Camilla knew this was Devin's first ghost form and it enraged her.

"I want all your power, Devin!" She yelled as her own armor appeared covering her, a long double edged blade appeared in her hand as she descended to stand in attack stance. "Are you worthy of it?" Devin asked as he now stood menacingly in front of Camilla.

Camilla steadied herself and attacked, she slashed at Devin hoping to injure his materialized form, but Devin remained intangible, left, right and a spin she tried to cut down the one supposed to be future king but it wasn't working.

She knew she had to find a way to make Devin tangible. "Light Mayhem." She opened her palms to release light so bright it would blind anyone, Devin closed his eyes and the attack passed through him.

He was amused by Camilla's efforts but it took more, to get him to fight. "Fight me, coward!" The girl screamed as yet again Devin dodged her attack easily and without a care as if he were bored.

Devin pointed above her to reveal a sphere of shadows about to release a powerful attack, he smirked looking at Camilla's bewildered expression, before she moved, the sphere detonated, the blast made Camilla scream, she had been forced to be tangible and it hurt her even more.

When the attack dissipated, Camilla staggered to her feet, she began healing her body and looked at Devin with rage. "Too much rage in you, that's why I can easily fight and win this battle." Devin spoke calmly looking at Camilla who was still fuming.

"Dark wave!" She screamed as dark matter came from her and attacked Devin, the attack hurt his ghost form but wasn't able to deliver pain to him all that much, he healed rapidly and smiled toward Camilla.

"Dark Wave: Serpents Hail." The dark matter rolled down Devin's body like snakes, it pooled under him and split up as giant snakes were created, they attacked Camilla in her ghost form, slamming her into the ground repeatedly, then moved to thrash her like a ragged doll.

The snakes wrapped around her and with one swift move slammed her to the ground and exploded, the girl lay on the ground in her tangible form, blood seeping from wounds and cuts as well as broken bones.

Camilla knew she would have to attack using her strongest attacks to stand a chance against Devin, so she stood up as she healed slowly. "Dark Increment." The dark matter didn't move from her but into her, she knew the chaos of darkness would consume her auxis at a faster rate but she had no choice.

Devin smirked looking at the girl. "Idiotic to the bitter end." He exclaimed changing his stance to attack form, Camilla moved at the speed of sound to deliver a punch to Devin's abdomen, the ghost ground his teeth in pain but did not move.

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