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He who would Love A Witch.

Mael had allowed his wings to take him to the sky where Hayes easily followed. "Its you and me, one last time." Hayes mumbled as Mael kept a neutral face but he knew the demon was right, it was time they settled this, time they finally chose who was worth having Ben's love. "All my life I've had to live with your praise you know that, even when you were cast away by your own father, even when you were betrayed by your own kin, I was reminded of you, then Ben came into your life, of course you'd never let him escape you, no one ever does." Mael muttered as his eyes were now fixed on Hayes. "I am sorry Mael, life has been cruel to you and it led you to almost destroying all of us, my family included, and to let you simply live after that, I cannot, as your opposite equal, I must bring you to justice." Hayes asserted as as held out his hand and a sword much alike to excalibur appeared in it, the difference was that it was on fire, a black flame burned over it, Mael did the same, and his blade had white flames that seemed to burn yes, but also dying out, he was falling.

Hayes took a closer look of Mael's wings and indeed they were turning black, not unlike his wings that were already black, for an angel falling meant their grace was no longer pure and their wings showed, there was no recompense for that with the Goddess only a lifetime of trying to fix your mistakes, but for Mael, that would never happen. As for Mael when he looked at Hayes, he couldn't see the demon, powerful and able to cut him down, he saw a child running in a field of wheat, him trailing behind laughing to nothing, their first and only meeting, so many years ago.

Mael attacked first cutting away his day dream with ferocious fire that he threatened Hayes with, Hayes didn't dodge he parried the slash away, and slashed upward at Mael's torso who spun back to avoid the cut, but the power behind the attempted cut made it seem as if he had been cut, but he hadn't. Hayes retracted his blade and created orbs of dark matter and summoned the golden flame into being, imbuing it in the spheres then setting each one on Mael, the first ones he cut but Hayes snapped his fingers and they began to explode cutting off his vision making Mael hiss, the bombs continued until the angel let out a ferocious roar and light flooded everywhere destroying everything that had been sent to attack him, he then turned on Hayes and unleashed a beam of white scorching light, but Hayes wasn't a push over he retaliated with blazing black light unlike the angel had seen, the two powers pushed each other until they absorbed each other and exploded throwing both demon and angel into opposite directions.

Hayes shook his head getting his bearing right but Mael was already on him impaling him with his sword, Hayes covered his torso in thick amour from the neo realm so Mael's blade didn't penetrate, so when he kept trying to force it in, —he began pushing Hayes back to the ground, past the trees to the mossy ground, the demon smirked as he held out his hand and vines wrapped around Mael's legs and swung him back, slamming him into the rocks nearby that shattered on impact several times, then Hayes commanded them to release, he shot up into sky where Mael had been swung and blasted him with more power than before that it caused the angel to scream as some of his skin was peeled off by the sheer power Hayes had unleashed. Mael wasn't a king for nothing, his skin healed slowly, as another pair of wings appeared on his back and Hayes could feel the change in his power.

So he crossed his arms. "Fourth Circle: Devils Successor." He whispered as the power flowed into him like nothing before, his wings seemed to grow and unfurled revealing that he also had another pair, but this was only the start. Mael didn't waste time, he knew Hayes was much more powerful than this, and he had to cut him down, so he released his power over the mountain they now flew above, boulders came to his command and he began throwing then toward Hayes, each one being cut, blasted or turned to sand, Mael raised bigger ones, imbued them with his power and on impact they hit Hayes with twice more force and exploded, Hayes knew it was better to bide, so he let Mael have his way, the angel hit him over and over again until his body was covered in shards of rock and blood, Hayes knowing the barrage was over turned the damage he'd gotten into power, Ben's magic allowed him to do that as golden insignias appeared on his wings and he attacked with brunt force and speed shocking Mael, he punched his gut causing the angel to spit blood, an upper cut that cracked his jaw, then a shoulder chop that forced him to fall from the sky blazing like a meteor. Hayes didn't stop even when Mael was on the ground barely speaking, he pounded him down further, it was as if a large wrecking ball was being slammed over Mael's body over and over again until there was not a sound to escape his lips, then Hayes unleashed a single beam of black light that cascaded from the cloudy sky, further wrecking Mael.

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