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Festival Of Lights: HALWRIGHT

"Ben, thank you I love it!" Carter yelled as he showed Ben the present he had gotten from his mate the previous day. "He did most of the work." The witch responded with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I need to thank OL for helping as well where is he?" The neo beast suddenly appeared beside Ben. "Sir Carter, you called." OL spoke with a smile though it revealed his sharp canines, no one cared.

"Thank you." Carter asserts and the neo beast nodded. "It was a pleasure making it for you." The neo beast replied before bowing again to Carter and an affectionate kiss on the cheek from Ben, as he vanished.

The two began walking from the school main building to the hall, as they walked everyone had mixed expressions over the arrival of Vastorway Academy. "Not a lot of happy faces." Carter mumbled beside Ben. "I know but we have no choice." Ben replied the wendigo as they got to the entrance.

Before they could take a step further Carter engulfed Ben with metal wings, the wendigo absorbed the initial attack and sent it back. "What happened?" The witch asked perplexed as to why Carter suddenly shielded him.

"That." The wendigo replied pointing above them, a witch had attacked them, he hovered in the air with a smirk. "Hello Benjamin." The male spoke with arrogance as he came closer, Carter stood in attack stance as his body changed to his first form only that he had wings made of titanium and his body was coursing with it.

The witch above seemed surprised by the transformation but when he felt the waves of power rolling off Ben the one he had aimed to attack, it made him draw back. Golden flames had erupted all around Ben and the ground beneath him sizzled.

"Niam." Ben mumbled looking at the noble in front of him. "My father wouldn't be pleased to know that the head of the house of Varco attacked me." Ben spat out making witch in front of him flinch.

"Unless you're dead and no one can tell him." Niam replied with a cocky smirk. Vision and Verity appeared behind Ben, without words they merged with Ben and his flames began to grow further, the barriers all around the school responded as they were commanded.

"You thought we would be stupid enough to fall for that, really?" Ben spoke as he had seen what the leaders of Vastorway had planned as his flames rolled back in. "Carter let's walk in." The wendigo changed back to his normal self and walked past the barrier protecting the hall along with Ben.

Above the school clouds began to gather, dark and malevolent, they rumbled all across the school but no one panicked, Hayes and the rest of the leaders of Halwright's factions all walked out of the hall to witness the gathering attack.

Niam was no longer where he flew, it was only the dark cloud gathering with energy, as it was released Ben smiled, the heavy blast of dark energy caused multiple explosions, no place would be spared from the onslaught, at least those who had attacked is what they thought.

When the attack finally subsided to reveal no damage at all, it perplexed the council leader of Vastorway. As Mael flew above Halwright and saw nothing had been destroyed it angered him.

As he began to descend, he felt the trace of a particular witch, his eyes began to look carefully, searching for the reason why his attack hadn't worked, and he found it, barriers all around Halwright had been put in place, the school itself was encased in multiple barriers.

The next king Michael was infuriated by what had happened, he knew only one person who could anticipate his attacks and no doubt had he foreseen it. "Well played my love." He mumbled to himself slowly descending to the ground.

As he settled on the ground, students began to fly in, others teleported to the school and others were driven to the school by buses. The festival would last till Saturday and Halwright was to cater to both school during the time.

The leaders of Vastorway stood in front of their peers, each of them held an air of confidence yet everyone knew five of them had been beaten by those of Halwright.

Hayes and Alarion walked to the front with blank faces. "Welcome to Halwright and welcome to the festival of lights, please enjoy." Hayes exclaimed with a smirk. "What you just tried to destroy." Alarion added making the students of Halwright chuckle.

The school had been designed with ribbons, flowers and ornaments everywhere, they showed the beauty of the school and what the festival meant. "Thank you." Niam replied as they all went to different parts of the school as the festival began.

Music and laughter slowly began to fill the air, the festival was officially underway but the bad blood was unmistakable, there was going to be another fight.


"Hello, can you help me, I'm looking for the game station." Ben turned to face a girl with strawberry blonde hair, she seemed young with a child like attitude. "Hi, it's that way, right by the corner to your left." Ben smiled toward the girl who left giggling with her friends.

Ben could tell Mael was watching from above, he hadn't separated from Vision and Verity therefore he knew before anyone else, they had to be alert at all times, and also he and Hayes were responsible for the first day and he intended on making it perfect.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like the creep you are or should I get my mate to knock you down from the sky." At the mention of Hayes by Ben, the angel became visible and a gust of wind blew all around him and below.

"How dare you mention that low life." Mael argued looking at the witch who smiled as he gave out treats to the passerby's. "Don't make a scene Mael, aren't angels supposed to be peaceful and soothing." Ben taunted making Mael scoff.

The angel descended and stood in front of Ben. "Why him?" Mael asked. "Why not him." Ben responded and Mael sighed knowing his ex lover would only rile him up more.

"I don't know why you left me, I don't know why I wasn't good enough, why you couldn't love me, and instead of coming back to me, you accepted a demon." Mael remarked harshly. "Don't you dare accuse me of being the one who was the cause for our breakup." Ben defended as he knew the actual reason why Mael had been with him.

"Scarlett showed me the deal your parent made with mine, she showed me a lot, I know you didn't love me, I left because I had no choice you're the one who cheated on me and expected me to lay on my back and take it, I accepted Hayes because unlike you he loved me, Mael you don't love anyone you love you." Ben spat as the angel became silent.

"You know." Mael whispered. "Yes I do, so you don't have a right to come and tell me what I should and shouldn't do, as for why I didn't come back, I put me first, not the power hungry next king of the angels." Ben started walking away, before he was any further Mael yanked him back.

"I love you, Benjamin, I can get rid of this, you just have to let me show you, I'm not the same person I was Ben, look into my eyes and tell me if you see the same." The witch yanked his arm from Mael. "You're not the same anymore Mael, you're more of a monster than anybody realizes, your tirade for power will be the end of you." Ben exclaimed looking away from Mael and waving at the students.

He didn't want to attract attention. "Listen here Benjamin, if I can't have you then I will make sure Hayes Shadows won't as well, even if I have to kill that disgraced bastard, you'll always belong to me, your parents made sure of it." Mael harshly spoke but it did not change Ben.

"If you lay a single hand on my mate, I will kill the next king of the angels myself." The witch replied his eyes turning to black cat slits, he began siphoning more power than before from Mael. "I'm not weak, I'm stronger than before, so don't you dare threaten me or my mate again." The witch had the angel on one knee as he siphoned his life force and his magic.

When the students began to look their way Ben let go and walked away, Mael stood up and looked in the direction Ben had gone, he now knew something was different about his ex lover and it was going to be harder to win him back.


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