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Great Hall Meeting Room.

The faction leaders all sat down for their first meeting in months. They all were scowling and glaring at each other. Alarion had slaughter written all over his face looking at Devin and Carter. Paige, Lucian, and Tate were sitting facing the demon who had belittled them and made their anger surge.

Hayes himself was looking at Theo with disgust and hatred. Hayes knew what he had planned for his mate and there was bad blood between the two. He had betrayed him in one way he couldn't forgive.

Kyra and Robin sat in the meeting room not missing the heavy tension in the air. Connor sat on his seat wary of Carter, he now knew how ruthless the wendigo was and he wasn't taking chances.

"Who and why asked us to convene here?" Hayes spoke up. "I did." The witch spoke up.
"It has come to my attention that the school's faction leaders are fighting for one person and that said person has no interest in those fighting for him." Kyra stood facing Tate, Paige, and Lucian. "That has nothing to do with you, Kyra." Lucian asserted. "It does in every aspect, he's a witch and also if he has been claimed or not him moving to the demon dorm should make you realize that he wants Hayes."

"What!!" Tate growled. "And on that note Hayes I demand you give back Roman to the witches, he's one of us he should be with his kind." Hayes scoffed. "Kyra honey, Roman left on his own accord to come live with me, not that it's any of your business." He gestures to everyone in the room. "The little witch wants me and there is nothing you can do about it." He snickered and leaned back in his seat.

"You really have the little bitch wrapped around your dick." Alarion commented. "At least Hayes is big enough to keep and satisfy the little Roman." Carter mumbled lowly as he and Devin along with Theo burst into a fit of laughter. "Guys come on even baby lengths have purpose." Robin who had been silent spoke and the four laughed.

"Not funny guys!" Kyra scolded yet he himself couldn't contain his own laughter afterward. "It was kind of funny." Devin uttered. "We're not here so that you three can pick fights." Connor who sat alone near the window said in a firm tone.

"Fine, the other issue is you, Connor, it has come to attention that you were using your powers to compel mates for Alarion, which got you beat up, unfortunately." Alarion leaned back. "So what?"

"Thanks to Theo and the fae you were healed, and also there won't be a squabble between the wendigo faction and the incubus. However it's time we address this issue, what you did was wrong and I sincerely hope you getting beaten gave you enough reason not to do it ever again." Connor scowled but nods.

"I would like to ask you three to stop causing chaos in the school, Roman doesn't want you get over it, you're disrupting school peace because of your stupid need to have a conquest or get revenge. If there is an attack on the school and we're divided like this we won't win." Devin stood pointing to Tate, Lucian, and Paige.

"Whatever pacifist, we had the little witch first and he just popped out of nowhere and took him, so if we're going to fight it out, just stay out of it, and also there hasn't been an attack on the school for over 5 decades, so sit your ass down ." Lucian slightly growled at Devin, he raised his hands in the air as a form of resignation on the case.

" I hope we all just try to be civil with each other and accept facts. Thank you." The witch spoke and all the faction leaders stood up to leave.

Later that Day
Halwright Campus.

The demon faction leader was making his way steadily to the main building where lessons are conducted. He wanted to surprise his little witch with a black rose which he had made himself. All the students cowered away when they saw him. He was feared because of his brutality and wrath toward those who provoked him.

"Well looks like the demon is becoming a soft lover boy." Tate stood in front of Hayes. "What do you want Tate?" He says in a cold tone. "I want what's mine and a little payback ." He says looking behind him, Lucian stabs Hayes with his dragon claw, the other hand crushing his right-wing and breaking it.

The demon staggered coughing blood. Tate shifts into a huge wolf and slams the demon onto the concrete. A powerful song could be heard, it was Paige singing the song of constriction. It bound Hayes to the ground.

"1st circle inferno." A blaze erupted from where Hayes had been laying it forced the three back. "Dark Circle Lucifers Hold." Black Chains sprout from the ground Lucian knew all too well about the chains so he spun backward avoiding them. "Ah! Tate help!." Paige was caught by the chains and they burnt him. Hayes couldn't fly his wing was still healing.

The shifter howled and the earth where Hayes stood shook. He lost his balance slightly and Lucian swooped down, his flames burning Hayes.

Paige broke free and attacked Hayes with his blade. The demon summoned his own twin blades. "You really think you'll be able to survive three against one Hayes." The two went blade to blade, Hayes dodging and landing fatal cuts on Paige. The siren intentionally lets Hayes stab him through the gut, holding one blade he slashes and plunges his own blade near the demon's neck and shoulder. They both wobbled apart, the siren fell to his knees.

"1st circle Lightning massacre." Paige was hit with bolts of lightning repeatedly and fell unconscious. Hayes knew he had to finish this battle because his wounds weren't healing properly, his wing was broken he couldn't fly away.

Shit Ben will feel everything. The demon knew his mate would feel every cut and burn.

The dragon flapped his wings creating a tornado around Hayes. The winds picked up blinding Hayes. Tate took the opportunity and smashed Hayes onto the ground. Harshly biting down on his arm and thrashing around until it broke. He felt a wave of power within him.

"2nd Circle Anti light." He spoke and the three were covered in darkness not even light from Alarion could penetrate. The dragon roared creating clouds, the rain poured into the dome of anti-light, his hope was the rain would pull in the darkness but it didn't something was different.

"3rd circle Lightning Massacre." The demon had combined an element with dark matter. Purple lightning emerged and struck the shifter and dragon. Lucian's wings were burnt, and torn apart by the heavy lightning. He cried in pain as he shifted back. The assault did not stop the lightning struck his back and he fell to the ground already unconscious.

The shifter had evaded most of the lightning but he was struck none the less. Using the blade from Paige he redirected it to Hayes. It struck the demon, and he fell to his knees and onto the ground unconscious.

His wounds were not healed that was the cause. The massacre stopped and light returned. The shifter picked up Hayes beaten body and motioned for the other shifters to carry Paige and Lucian.



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