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"Did you find it?" Ben asked as Kyra, Devin, Lucian, and Theo appeared in his home at the school. "No they took it." Kyra replied. "Shit." Hayes cursed.

Before they could speak further there was a knock on the door, Ben swung it open and the faction leaders all filed in along with their mates. "We all brought food." Carter announced and Ben chuckled in amusement.

"What are you all doing here?" The witch asked surprised by the visit. "We thought since our whole lives are about to get messy why not have a small get together, and I brought my best wine, Hayes!" The demon hurriedly got up and sped walk to Tate.

"Hit me." Hayes announced and Robin joined them. "I can't say no to that." The witch conceded closing the door. "So before we have this whole obviously fun mini party, I need to explain to you all what we're about to face." Ben announced and they all turned to face him.

"Connor and Corey betrayed the school, they entered the catacombs of the old school, took the map written in stone, and gave it to Mael." When Ben explained there was only one emotion in the room, shock. "But that would mean, but the map is." Lario fumbled over his words.

"We all know that Kay isn't the only abomination of nature, there are five of them to be exact, each with a different species entwined together, the strongest one of all of them is the hybrid demon angel, he was placed in one of the most secure locations after his defeat but with Mael's determination, it might not matter.

"Why is he doing this?" Paige asked perplexed as to why Mael was going to these lengths just to get rid of  a few mystics. "He's a sociopath and unstable, he along with my brother, and seven others are looking for a way to get rid of two mystic races." Ben had finally said it.

He knew at some point he would have to tell them that the royal houses were looking for a way to get rid of two races from history. "What do you mean get rid of." Ben turned to meet the eyes of Alarion.

"He's continuing your father's legacy, he believes there are impurities within the eleven mystic races, so they plan on getting rid of them completely." The angel was silent as the words sunk in. "The goddess would never allow this to happen." Alarion argued but he knew they could very well try and succeed if they wanted.

"What do we do now, the map written in stone if translated correctly gives the location of the other four mystics who are bloodthirsty and vengeful, we must stop them." Devin exclaimed knowing they had to do something.

"What can we do, can we really face them, we're talking about facing mystics with the same power as us and if they succeed in the resurrection of the other four what would we do then." Robin argued and they knew he was right, it would be hard to fight any of the ones who supposedly took their places.

"But we have to try, we can stop them before they can reawaken any of them, it will be hard since we still have to fight but it's the only way we got to do things." Carter asserts and everyone sighed. "We can't just sit around and let them go through with this, we have to stop them." Hayes spoke up surprising everyone.

"I just want peace and the only way I can get it, is by getting rid of all the obstacles to that peace, so therefore if I must fight, to get peace for my mate and  I, then so be it." Everyone was silent as Hayes made his declaration, they knew everything was on the line, they wanted peace as well therefore they would fight.

"I guess we're fighting." Lucian concluded and everyone cheered. "Now let's drink!" He cheered again as they began to pour the wine brought by Tate. They all knew when tomorrow came, they would be getting ready to face the biggest challenge of their lives, and it wasn't their parents.


"Carter I want more food!" Kyra yelled from the lounge where he, Lucian, Alarion, and Hayes were downing shots. "You're a sloppy drinker." Ben chortled sitting next to his cousin.

"Am not, you're the sloppy drinker." Kyra argued and Ben gestured for Alarion to give him five shots. The witch took one after the other consecutively and his mate cheered. "See I told you, you're sloppy." Ben adds. "Oh shut up." Kyra smacks his arm as Carter brought more food.

"I think we're gonna need more food if they keep eating like this." Carter remarked as he dragged Ben to the kitchen. "I have a lot of food stocked in here, it's usually for Hayes, he will be hungry right about now." Ben and Carter laughed as Hayes walked into the kitchen.

"Cupcake I'm hungry." The demon waited for Ben to heat up his meal as the wendigo was still laughing his ass off at how accurate Ben had been on Hayes's hunger. "Here you go babe, I didn't even put the shrimp." Ben offered the platter to Hayes with a kiss on his cheek.

"You're the best." The demon placed a kiss on Ben's forehead before walking away to join Kyra who was also eating. "Are you alright, like are you really alright?" Carter asked Benjamin as they ate by the kitchen island.

"I'm okay now honestly, what I saw when Vision merged with me, I hope it never comes true, I can't imagine the damage it would cause, the loss and bloodshed would be too much." Ben sighed as he began eating again. "We'll stop Kaiser and Mael alright Ben, you're not alone in this, we all are with you." Carter comforted Ben as he knew the witch did not want to fight his brother.

"I know and I'm grateful for it Carter." The wendigo nodded to the witch as they ate, it was these moments for Ben that were worth fighting for, he never thought he would find a place to belong but as he sat there, he knew he had finally found a place to belong.

"Hey Ben, I brought you this." Tate handed over a chinese lucky charm to Ben. "Thank you, Tate, it's beautiful." The shifter smiled happily as his gift had been well received by Ben, they had a bad past which Tate hoped to fix as time went by.

"You're welcome." Ben smiled toward the shifter as they walked to the others. "I think today was a success." Theo spoke up beside Ben making the witch smiled. "You think so?"  He asked. "Definitely, we needed this before we faced the monsters called our parents tomorrow." Theo added and Ben laughed.

"I'm sure you'll live, after all, you've been through worse." Benjamin asserted and Theo nodded in response. "That is very much true, Tai is officially drunk, let me take him home." The fae hugged Ben and moved to help his mate up.

"Thanks for the party, Ben!" Tai yelled as they made their way out. "Totally cool party, see you in the morning, Benny." Robin exclaimed as he too staggered out with Kyra helping him up.

"Thanks for having us Benjamin, I'm glad you're not stressing so much." Alarion remarked as he and Devin made their way out of the penthouse. "Get home safe you guys!" Ben yelled toward the rest of his friends as they made their way out.

"That went rather well." The witch whispered beside Hayes. "Yeah it did." Hayes responded as he held his witch, taking in his scent, Ben flicked his fingers and everything was cleared and clean in the penthouse. "Let's get some sleep." Before they could move from where they were the doorbell rang.

Hayes moved to open the door as Ben walked to their bedroom, he swung the door open and came face to face with the demon he never thought he would see again in a very long while.

The two stared at each other, none of the two spoke as they had no words to describe what the other felt. "Babe what's going on, who is it?" Ben had removed the magic that concealed his mark, when he walked to the door he was shocked to see the man standing there.

"Hello Father."


And that's a wrap, folks. As much as I want to continue book 1, this is where it ends. Book 2 of Halwright will be published soon with a different cover but same title.

Make sure to check it out.

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