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The Source.

In the beginning of time, the goddess and her children lived in harmony, their lives were filled with joy and abundance, until one sought power over the others and their descendants, his name was a curse to any tongue, and his power was gained through means so vile none to this day would match up, his siblings protected their own and overcame his power when they banded together and fought for all that was good that he wanted to destroy.

As he lay on his death bed the monstrosity vowed that he would return, in any life and in any generation, some thought this was the madness of a dying man, and others thought otherwise. Millenia passed and peace came again but in that peace, the mystic kingdoms became divided and each nation sought its own interest and forgot of he who vowed return. Those of his blood never forgot though, because even as he died his curses lived on in all of them, and they were burdened with it.

In fear of what the monstrosity had vowed those who knew this secret began The Purge, killing every possible descendant the monstrosity had, they hid their true intention in false words and lies so that no one would ever know the true reason why they killed their own kind. Those who remembered became little until they were few, but their words to those who would carry on the legacy, were never lost and one day the monstrosity was reincarnated, half witch and half demon, those who knew what it meant were quick to act but it was too late, he had gained immortality, so however they tried they could not kill him, and his siblings who could rival him were no longer there.

But it took a monstrosity to kill or put down another monstrosity and he did so, he who shall not be named was failed by his own blood, a monstrosity in the mystic realm, for immortality kept him away from death but time and nature always found a balance, so therefore, his own blood imprisoned him in time itself, no one would ever release him and no one could corrupt time in order to release him, and from then on those who were supposed to know, knew of what had happened, even though all the mystic realm forgot, the royals would always know. For how could they forget such a monster, and the scourge of his curse.

Lario slammed closed the book he was reading in Ben's workroom, the witch turned to face Ben with questioning eyes but Ben was too busy, so he turned to Verity. "Verity is it true, what I read?" He questioned and the beast nodded. "Every word is true, and terrifying for the he who shall not be named indeed does exist, but such words and information can never be known by the world, others would seek his power and others would be corrupted, that is why time can and should never be disrupted." Verity explained without taking his eyes off the witch in front of him.


Devin, OL, and Mr. Wyne found themselves on an island, exotic plants, creatures of all kinds, both with wings and others without, it was truly a paradise to behold, each of them were astonished to find out that something as beautiful as this existed, never in their wildest dreams would they have imagined creatures like these, or an island where the sunshine was warm and the air was sweet and fresh as morning dew, waves crashed on the jagged rocks and some to the beach shore. "It's truly beautiful." Devin mumbled as a black crown appeared on his head and he felt a rush in his entire being.

The mana that flowed through him was unexplainable, it was raw, powerful, and gentle all at the same time. The phantom turned to see Mr. Wyne perplexed, his hair was longer, and not a wrinkle was in sight on his face, it was as if nature itself was mending him along with the mana they all could feel around them. He breathed out as if he had been holding his breath all this while. "What is this?" Devin questioned Mr. Wyne but he had no idea and so he turned to OL.

"Welcome to the source." The neo beast was no longer there only a man with green horns and black wings at his back. "OL?" The professor among them questioned and the man nodded. "What do you mean the source?" Mr. Wyne asserted as he looked around. "This island isn't an ordinary place, time does not hold domain here and it is irrelevant because this place is where memories and time converge, it is the source of Benjamin's power, unlike the neo realm this place is where the mana he absorbs goes to and back to him when he needs it, it's why you feel it coursing through you, life itself." OL replied shocking Mr. Wyne but Devin understood.

"He's a siphon, his body cannot hold mana so therefore he needs to store it somewhere and by the looks of it, he has done so in several places." Devin surmised as he reflected on what Ben had shown him, the neo realm was also a source, this paradise in its entirety was a source, he could never compare to the witch, even if he had so much mana compared to Ben, there was a difference. "He trusted you enough to show you this place, don't betray him." The cold and malicious voice came from behind them, it was Drac but as he walked past the portal his body changed to that of a man, with black horns and white wings.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Devin replied instantly and Drac nodded. "You changed form." Mr. Wyne commented looking at the two neo beasts who were now walking into what seemed to be a dense forest. "Here all of us revert to our most inner form, and haven't you noticed your own selves." OL replied as he held Drac's hand, the taller male helped him cross a log in front of them as they continued, Mr Wyne didn't respond, as he now looked at himself, indeed he was different.

"Drac we only have an hour, we must hurry." OL exclaimed and the beast stopped. "Alright my love, nature is very much alive here and it will kill you, but you must also know that if we are to fly do not touch anything you may see, this island holds memories not just for us but a lot of others as well, they are guarded for when a mystic must remember what is important, so do not touch anything." Drac warned and just then he and his mate took off into the sky followed by Devin and Mr. Wyne.

The two mystics gasped when they were in the air, Devin's heart ached, he would've loved to live the rest of his life on this island and never have to worry about what may come, he would be at peace. Bubbles floated around them and inside each one there were somewhat images playing over and over and the two understood what Drac had meant, those were memories. "Come along we are close." OL called out as they flew faster toward the east side of the island, the lush greenery over the large expanse of an island still captivated both Mr. Wyne and Devin.

Drac began to descend but before he could go lower a dragon roared heading straight for the four of them, on the ground Devin spotted a hydra and a very large snake, what they were he had no idea. "Summoned creatures." Mr. Wyne mumbled next to Devin. "Nobody move, if they see you as a threat, they all will all attack." Drac warned as another large shadow covered the sun. "A Sphinx, how—." The professor choked on his own breath.

The summons circled the four until OL and Drac nodded to the creatures and began to descend, Devin knew he shouldn't move but Mr. Wyne didn't so when the man did, the dragon roared and lunged for him with claws ready to tear him to pieces. "No!" Devin cried out as he created a shield around both himself and Mr. Wyne, the dragon attacked with golden fire, it burned around both of them until the barrier began to crack due to the pressure. The ghost knew this was their domain, they were stronger.

As the cracks became apparent Devin's hands were suddenly weighed down on by a basket with angelica root, he knew it came from OL, but now he was facing a dragon bent on killing him, how was the root going to help. Drac appeared just as the barrier shattered and the dragon lunged yet again, he clasped his palms together and a runic shield appeared holding off the dragon. "Are you crazy, they gave permission for us to go down not you two, why did you move?" Drac growled with annoyance prevalent in each word.

"I'm sorry, my curiosity got the better of me." Mr. Wyne apologized just as OL appeared with a basket of his own, he opened a portal and the four of them immediately flew into it. Once on the other side, the two mystics realized they were back in Ben's workroom. "Took you long enough, and I see you met Rave." The witch chortled as he snapped his fingers and the ingredients brought back, floated to him. "Never again." Mr. Wyne mumbled making Ben chuckle.



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