twenty five

417 10 8

Despite my heavy breathing due to either the incident that happened earlier or my exhaustion from swinging too much, I continued practising my inside swing. Why? I wanted to show Miyuki that I learnt how to do it properly with a good form.

I then thought of an idea. I could ask Caroline for help since she's better than me in swinging.

I look over to find her and saw her laughing and joking around with a familiar face with green hair. Who else other than Kuramochi? I decided not to bother her moment and let her be.

"Oi, Me going to get my bat doesn't mean you can stop you know? Or... do you want me to analyse your form again hm?" He teased.

"N-no thanks." I stuttered and my cheeks flushed.

"Then go swing. I'm also going to practise." Miyuki said and started swinging his bat.

After 200 swings from both the inside and outside, aiming at different balls, my forehead was covered with perspiration.

"Shoot, I forgot my towel," I whispered to myself.

"What's wrong, Crystal-san?" Miyuki stopped his batting and came up to me.

"Continue your batting. Don't worry about me." I shrugged.

"Rude! You forgot your towel, didn't you?" Miyuki laughed.

"H-how did you-" I stuttered.

"You're sweating a lot that it could fill up the pacific ocean. Here, use mine. You can wash it for me after." Miyuki winked at me while I rolled my eyes, not wanting to take his towel.

"If you go around like that, people might think you got a heat stroke you know?" He chuckled.

Reluctantly, I took his towel from his hand and whispered loud enough for him to hear thanks.

I wiped my sweaty face with his towel and took in its smell. It smelt... like a garden full of flowers for some reason. It made my heart warm knowing that Miyuki had this taste kind of smell...?

I proceeded to use the towel to wipe the back of my neck while Miyuki continued his batting.

I observed his stance and form. It was close to perfect, similar to Caroline's. He would be able to hit home runs with that form and power. Incredible, I must say.

My eyes moved from his form to his...

"Big..." I muttered to myself.

He must've heard me and stopped batting to look at me, "Like what you see?" He chuckled.

I shook my head to get some blood out to stop the flush.

miyuki pov

When I saw her looking at me, staring at my arms, I smiled in content.

"Like what you see?" I winked at her. Those words came out of my mouth before I even realised it.

"No." was her reply and I immediately felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"I liked what I saw though." I thought in my head.

I liked how her eyes ventured from analysing my form to my biceps. Dang my stupid mouth for talking or I would be able to look at her analysing my... body... more.

"That hurts, Crystal-san." I pouted.

When she just looked away to ignore me, I continued. "Tired and giving up already, Crystal-san?"

"I will continue after I wipe my perspiration. Patience is key, Miyuki-san." She turned her back to me and chuckled.

It was my turn to roll my eyes at her lame 'quote'. With that, I continued swinging.

Strike ( OC x Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now