twenty four

478 12 9

"Do you need anything, Miyuki-san?" I walked over to him and smiled.

He had a flush of pink on his cheeks and turned his head to the side. His hand was at the back of his neck. I giggled at that sight of a flushed and embarrassed Miyuki.

"Why are you acting so embarrassed?"

"Who's ashamed? You are ashamed. Pfft." He retorted back.

"No one said you were ashamed..."

Hearing that, Myuki's face grew redder. "Anyways, I'm not embarrassed." He shot back.

I rolled my eyes and said, "So what did you call me over for?"

"I...I'm really...uhh... sorry for my outburst... earlier on..." His eyes darted all around but never into my eyes.

Hearing that, I laughed out loud.

"I never know when you mean anything you say, do I?" I raised my eyebrows in doubt.

"N-no... it's not that! I-I mean I know what I said was wrong and it didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just came here to check on you... I was scared I... uhh... hurt your feelings." He shyly admitted.

I was quite taken aback. Miyuki scared of hurting my feelings? Wow... that's new...

"Thanks I guess. I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." I replied shortly and awkwardly, still quite shocked. "Is that all you need to say?"

He nodded and smiled weakly. Seeing that the atmosphere was getting a little awkward, I gave him a curt smile before waving a goodbye and walking away.

Suddenly, someone came and wrapped their arms around me. I look to my side and saw Caroline gleeing.

"Anything happened? I saw him blushing!" Caroline whispered and smirked.

"Number one, stop daydreaming." I flicked her forehead, causing her to pout.

"Number two, nothing happened. He just said a few words and I left. Simple as that Carol." I shrugged, and gradually walked faster.

"Nothing is simple with Miyuki, Crystal." Caroline smirked.

Caroline caught up and came to my side, "Anyways, want to swing tonight?"

"Well, we haven't tried swinging at night before but Kiramochi invi- I just wanted to try it out like some of the guys." Caroline looked away.

"Kuramochi again?" I snickered and turned to her.

"No, I just wanted to try swinging at night like the others okay?" She blushed, put her hands in her pockets and walked faster.

"Alright, I'm down." I agreed loud enough for the flustered Caroline to hear me.

I still had a lot of energy. After coach's words, there's just this built-up motivation to improve and work on myself. That sudden feeling of inspiration and wanting to work hard. Plus, I could swing till I was tired and fall asleep immediately anyway.

I caught back up with Caroline and we walked into our dorm.

"8pm already..." I said while looking up at the clock on the wall.

"Are you going to change? You're gonna get a heat stroke if you wear those sweats." Caroline turned to me.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, walking towards the wardrobe to get my nike air shorts to change into.

Japan wasn't really hot at night, to be honest. It was the batting that made up sweat a heck lot. I heard that third years like Isashiki-senpai, Tetsuya-san, Ryu-senpai did more than 200 swings at night for extra practice. They even did it after a game or a tough training. Their motivation to push themselves to further limits was truly inspiring.

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