thirty six

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When I finally caught up with him, I swung my hand high, aiming for-

"Ouch!" Miyuki yelped. Rubbing the spot I just slapped, he cried, "What was that for?"

I could see his eyes tearing, and so I laughed out loud. However, I never imagine his ass muscles to be quite hard.

"That's for being pretentious!" I stuck my tongue out and skipped all the way to the field. Pretentious? Was that the right word? Was he actually being pretentious?

I could hear the half-furious-half-crying Miyuki stomping behind me.

I looked back and felt a little sorry for him since I admit I did hit him quite hard but I still felt the need to tease him and so, "If you want, I can apply some ointment on your ass to sooth the pain."

To my surprise, he smirked as though the pain miraculously dispersed and sprinted the opposite way. "Where are you going? The field is this way!" I yelled at him, looking at how stupid he was being for running in the total opposite direction. Did I slap him to hard it affected the synapses of the neurons that it failed to pass on energy and hence he failed to process information, making him react in the dumbest way possible? Did I just make him a fool? I hope not... I would be sued...

"There's some ointment in my room! Wait for me to get back and you can help me apply it! Don't run away alright?" With that, he ran off. 

I stood there with my head blank. I was speechless. When I came back to my sense, I internally shouted, "WHAT IS GOING ON?" 

I ran to the field. Who the hell would want to help Miyuki apply ointment on his butt... I sprinted all the way to the field, with my face all red and hot either from the sprinting or from the situation earlier. I picked up and bat and continued where I had left off. 

"Oh? Back so soon? Without Miyuki?" a voice that soon became louder as Caroline walked closer to me. 

"Miyuki...He's  got some... lose screws and acting weird." I replied hesitantly. 

"Because of you?" She smirked back. 

"No." I indifferently replied. I then began to get into my batting stance, waiting for the fastball to come my way. Seeing that I was focused on the ball, Caroline probably did not want to disturb my practice and hence walked away. 

"Do people suddenly become stupid after being slapped really really hard in the ass?" I casually asked. 

"Pfft, what did you do to poor Miyuki?" she mocked. 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and went back to batting. 

"Crystal-sannn!" Miyuki's voice rang, and that was when Caroline burst into laugher and covered her mouth mockingly and looked at Miyuki, "Miyuki, how's your butt?" With that, she walked away and dragged Kuramochi, who was making his way to us, away. 

What a coincidence, the time when I reacted to Miyuki's voice and the time when the ball was released was the same. I then got a shock and hit the ball such that even though I had still hit the ball, the bat I had gripped tightly slipped away, crashing it onto Miyuki's stomach. 

"Oh shit!" I frantically screamed and rushed to him. There were also others that saw the incident and crowded around him, some asking whether he was alright, others wondering what had just happened and the rest tried to help Miyuki stand or whatnot. When I got there, Miyuki was still laying on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain. It must have hurt so bad and I feel so bad for it. If only I was stronger and my grip was better, this wouldn't have happened. I could feel some tears welling up in my eyes and were just about to flow down as I looked onto the floor guilily. My hands were holding Miyuki's which were still clutching onto his stomach. 

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. It's not that painful too." I felt a warm and large hand on my left cheek, with its thumb rubbing my tears on my left eye away. It felt so calming and assuring. I looked up to see that Miyuki's right hand had went form clutching his stomach to my face. 

This scenario looked like the storybook fairytales whereby the prince is about to be killed by an enemy, with a knife already pierced in his stomach, comforting his crying princess in vain. Wait- This was not supposed to- 

"what happened here?" a deep voice broke through my imagination? 

"Crystal, what's happening?" 

"Miyuki-san are you alright?" 

I turned back to see Caroline, Kuramochi, coach and Rei-chan. 

I explained everything that happened. I was terrified. was I going to be punished for this? Will Miyuki be permanently injured with a broken rib? It was not that I was strong that I could break his rib or whatever but it's a precaution you know? Unconsciously, while explaining, I started trembling. 

miyuki pov 

Silly girl. Why is she trembling so hard? Does she want everyone to notice her fear? Idiot. 

I placed my hand on her hand as a form of comfort. Not going to lie, this pain was actually quite unbearable. The fact that I am still conscious is already a miracle. I have no idea what is going to happen to my poor body. 

"Alright, I want (insert some name), (another name), (another name) to take Miyuki to the nurse office. Crystal and I will then visit him later for more information on Miyuki's condition. 

crystal pov

When he was picked up by the 3 guys, I stood up jerkingly and want to reach out for him, but I figured that would not be the best thing to do at the moment since I had already messed up enough. 

I then felt another hand on my head, somewhat patting and rubbing my head. I recognised this gesture. I looked back and smiled. 

"don't worry, Crystal-san, Miyuki is a strong one." Chris smiled reassuringly at me. He then widened his arms, signalling for a 'comfort-hug'. 

I accepted his gesture and went into his embrace. I needed a hug so bad, especially after injuring one of my team mates, one who was already in the first string and would be difficult to win without this someone. 

heck i got  super super carried away trust me i also never imagined the chapter to end this way and to be so long ok alright probably another chapter tmr bc i actually have alot of ideas about what to write. for now byebye

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