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"Start warming up by running 7 laps around the field. I don't want anyone of you not doing your best. If I catch anyone of you lazing and lagging behind, you are all going to be punished. You hear me?" Coach Kataoka said fiercely.

"Yes." everyone in line shouted.

The atmosphere was strict. We all knew Coach Kataoka had the power to punish us and we were definitely going to get punished if we were not doing our best.

Soon, I was running around the field with the guys. And to be honest, 7 rounds was quite a lot, considering the field was huge. Everyone was huffing and puffing, trying to catch their breath as they ran. Caroline and I were doing fine, barely fine but still alright. We would normally run more than this but it was still a lot. It was to improve our stamina and our former coach was serious about us having good stamina to last through the game.

"Whew, this reminds me of the training in America. Just at night." Caroline said in between her huffing and puffing.

I just nodded my head to conserve my energy.

"It would be nice if I ate ice cream after training." I thought to myself. It was weird and ironic that I was thinking about binge eating when exercising but it helped me to not think of the exhaustion and stuff. I use it all the time when doing something strenuous as it really relaxes me.

After 7 rounds, everyone was sweating and breathing heavily. Caroline and I were also breathing heavily but not as heavy as them. We still looked like we were quite okay.

"How did you girls endure that and not breathing very heavily?" Miyuki came and put his elbow on my shoulder as if I was his arm rest.

"Number 1, I am not very short you know. And number two, we normally run more for warm up than this." I said strictly.

He held both his hands up, palms facing me when he heard me say the first line, then he made out a "Woah".

Kuramochi saw what was happening and just had to poke his nose into our conversation, "How much do you run in your former club?" he asked.

"If the coach feels happy, it would be around 8 rounds. If the coach feels moody, it would be 11 rounds. Yes. It all depends on the coach's mood. Not to mention his demonic extra practices after practice where we would work on our core and stamina." Caroline said with her arms crossed.

Everyone was surprised that two girls were able to withstand the trainings that the "crazy" coach was putting us through when a voice shouted across the field loud and clear.

"I give you 5 seconds to gather here altogether." the voice rang.

Everyone put their water bottles and towels down and rushed there, including me.

"Today, we will be practising our fielding. Since Caroline and Crystal are new and unfamiliar with how you play, why not you guys play together. I'm batting. All of you will take turns to field," the tanned guy with shades said.

"Oh no, coach is batting," everyone started murmuring.

"Hey. Is the coach's batting very strong and makes it extremely difficult for fielders?" Caroline turned her head to her left and asked me.

"Well, do I look like I know, sis?" I shot her back and she just rolled her eyes.

An upperclassman heard our conversation, probably assuming it die to the fact that we were calm while everyone was kind of panicking, spoke up, "It is just that the coach doesn't stop batting. He can go on for hours if he wants to."

"Oh, so that's why... That's awesome! I get to field for hours! Isn't it awesome, Crystal?" Caroline exclaimed.

I nodded my head. Caroline liked fielding despite how tiring it was to run around and catch the ball. I liked pitcher more but fielding was also fun and I did well in it too.

"Caroline, what position do you play?" the coach asked Caroline.

"I play every position except first-baseman and shortstop, sir." Caroline replied immediately.

"Alright, you will be playing left-field. Crystal, what do you play besides pitcher?" he then turned to me and asked.

"I play everything except for second baseman, left field, and right field, sir." I replied.

"Alright. You will play centre-field."

After assigning everyone their positions, we went onto the field.

first-baseman : Tetsu-san
second-baseman : Kominato-senpai
third-baseman : Masuko-san
shortstop : Kuramochi-san
left-field : Caroline
centre field : Crystal
right field : Isashiki-senpai

"Hey! You girls better play well or you are going to drag the team down." bearded guy shouted at us.

It was obvious that he was looking down on us. And it was because it was our first training session and he did not see up play yet. However, we still looked down on us even before watching us. We could feel blood boiling in our body, both Caroline and I. We had to show them who's boss and who's pulling the team down.

"If you don't shut your mouth I will help you do it." Caroline said. She was this close to cursing.

"Nah, we will show him who is the one lagging behind sis. No worries." I told her with my mitt covering my mouth, and glaring at the golden-haired man.

"You think I'm scared of two city girls? As if." he said while sticking out his tongue.

This was it. Caroline almost walked towards the guy and punch him in the face. Almost. Fortunately I managed to pull her.

"Hey, monkey-senpai. It's either you shut up and watch, or you're not celebrating fathers' day. No, I am not talking about vasectomy." I gave him a death glare and walked off.

"You-" he was cut off.

"Now, now, Isashiki. We have to watch first, don't we? Then, we would see who's better and who's worse, right?" pink-haired added in.

"Now this guy is playing with his words. Double meaning-ing these words. I can do that too." I thought to myself.

"Right. Pink-haired guy with the smile is right. We really have to see the game before judging. Never judge a male by it's appearance, you know?" I said with double meaning.

"Alright. Game begin!" someone said.

'Piang!' the ball flew but the shortstop, Kuramochi, managed to catch it, stopping it from rolling further and throw it to the first-baseman, Tetsu-san.

doonee teehee i'm really sorry if some of these information is fake cuz i searches them up and they may be wrong. anwyays yey i completes this chapter HAHAHAH baii

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