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"You brought the list of items right?" I asked Caroline who was digging in her bag for something.

"Of course!" Caroline exclaimed as she smiled gleefully at me.

"We have to buy quite a lot. I swear those boys are going to carry our bags later." I said while laughing.

Caroline nodded and we continued to run our errand.

First, we went to a stationery store which sold so many cute items. For example, there were glue sticks that came in many different designs and shapes. The ones we had in America were just normal school glue and glitter glue at best. The items here were really creative and innovative. I also bought some Japanese History, Math, and Science books as I needed to buck up. I liked studying but was not really considered a nerd. I keep in mind that it was going to help my future, whether I liked doing it or not. It would be fun once I got the concept right.

Our textbooks and learning materials for school were all provided by the school so we did not need to buy anything.

I then went to the Young-Adult Fictional Books aisle to grab a romantic cliche book or two. Reading those books was my hobby when I did not feel like studying or I was just bored. I mean, those books are awesome.

Caroline was at the notebooks aisle and later went on to the English and History books aisle.

Once we were done with the goods, we checked out and paid the money.

Our next stop was the clothing store. We only brought some clothing from America when we moved and the rest were donated to the orphanage. We spent roughly an hour in that shop looking for cute items that would look good on us.

"Hey, Caroline. I think we bought a lot." I said, actually shocked about how much we bought.

"Really? I don't think 38 shirts, 17 shorts, 10 sweats, 3 jackets, 7 skirts, 29 cropped tops and 6 pairs of shoes are a lot, considering we only brought a few clothing items from America." Caroline said bluntly.

Was she joking or was she serious? I had no idea, but one thing for sure was that we were going to be broke if this continues. We had around 3000 Yen left for groceries.

"I swear Mom and Dad will never ever allow us to do this again," I said while looking at the pile of clothing we had.

"Come here soon!" was what we heard when we left the store.

The next stop was the cafe where Miyuki and Kuramochi were chilling at. We could never carry these bulky bags and shop for groceries. It was close to impossible without bumping into anyone and people giving us looks.

"Hi, we are back and we need you to look after these," Caroline said cheerfully when she saw them.

When the boys looked at us, their face went pale. The eyes widened and jaws dropped. They were shocked. Very shocked. Extremely shocked.

"Did you raid the whole shop? Why would you buy so many pieces of clothing? Are you going on a date every day?" Miyuki asked.

"I- I have never seen anyone buying so many clothes. And I guess this isn't your last stop, is it?" Kuramochi said while pointing to the bulky bags.

"Of course not! We still have to buy groceries. So you have to help us carry these back to the school once we are done!" I said while making the peace sign.

"Whaaa-" they both said.

"Yeah. You have muscular arms and can carry heavier items." Caroline teased to get them to agree.

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